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Public Financial Management, Health Governance, and Health Systems

Resource Type: Report Authors: Annie Baldridge, Elizabeth Elfman, Eunice Heredia-Ortiz, Hélène Barroy, Karima Saleh, and  Catherine Connor Published: October 2017 Resource Description: While the importance of governance in a health system is well recognized, there is an overall lack of evidence and understanding of the dynamics of how improved governance can influence health system performance and health […]

Innovative Mechanisms for Raising Revenue for the Health Sector in The Dominican Republic

Resource Type: Brief Authors: Health Financing and Governance project Published: August 2017 Resource Description: This brief presents projections of the revenue that could be collected through five financing mechanisms. This information will support the Government of the Dominican Republic in deciding which mechanisms to implement. It is important to consider that taxes on the consumption of soft […]

Opciones y mecanismos innovadores de recaudación de recursos para el sector salud en La República Dominicana

Resource Type: Brief Authors: El Proyecto de Financiamiento y Gobernanza en Salud Published: August 2017 Resource Description:  Este resumen presenta el monto de recursos que se podrían recaudar mediante cinco mecanismos de financiamiento. Los datos apoyarán al Gobierno de la República Dominicana a decidir cuáles mecanismos llevará a cabo. Es importante considerar que los impuestos al consumo de […]

Family Planning Spending in Burkina Faso (2015): How Can it Inform Policy & Planning?

Resource Type: Report Authors: Health Finance and Governance Project (HFG) Published: September 2017 Resource Description:  This policy brief presents family planning expenditure data from Burkina Faso, estimated using the System of Health Accounts (SHA 2011) methodology, together with a new guide on family planning. The brief describes how these data can help answer key policy and planning questions […]

The Ethiopia Sixth Health Accounts, 2013/14: Statistical Report

Resource Type: Report Authors: Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Ministry of Health Published: August 2017 Resource Description: The purpose of the HA IV exercise was to estimate the amount and flow of health spending in the Ethiopian health system in 2013/14. In addition to estimating general health expenditures, the exercise tracked spending on the different disease categories […]

Ethiopia Health Accounts, 2013/14

Resource Type: Report Authors: Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Ministry of Health Published: August 2017 Resource Description: The objective of this sixth round of HA is to generate up-to-date empirical evidence on health care spending in order to inform formulation and development of health financing policy, including gauging financing performance of HSDP-IV and a baseline for the […]

Health Service Utilization and Expenditure Survey among People Living with HIV

Resource Type: Report Authors: Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Ministry of Health Published: August 2017 Resource Description: This is a report of a national survey that was conducted in September-October 2016 to generate evidence for the sixth Ethiopian Health Accounts (HA VI), which estimated health expenditures for 2013/14. The survey collected data on health service utilization and […]

Untitled design (3)

Costs of HIV Viral Load and Early Infant Diagnosis: Forecasting Tool and Manual

Resource Type: Tool Authors: Peter Stegman, Rachel Sanders, Chris Cintron, and Carlos Avila Published: April 2017 Resource Description: The Excel-based spreadsheet tool, developed by USAID’s Health Finance and Governance (HFG) project, can be used to estimate the costs and human resource implications of scaling up HIV viral load monitoring and the use of viral load testing for […]

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