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Mutual Benefit, Shared Risk in India: Annapurna Pariwar’s Community-owned Health Mutual Insurance Program

Resource Type: Brief Authors: Annapurna Pariwar Published: March 2017 Resource Description: The HFG project is supporting the scale-up of health mutual schemes in India with the aim of expanding financial protection and access to health care. As part of its groundwork, HFG developed a case study on the health mutual run by Annapurna Pariwar, a […]

The Link between Provider Payment and Quality of Maternal Health Services: A Framework and Literature Review

This paper explores a growing trend among health care payers to combine a quality measurement initiative with a redesigned provider payment system. It presents a conceptual framework of how provider payment links with quality of maternal health services and analyzes real provider payment systems in low- and middle-income countries where payment is linked with quality […]


Financing of Universal Health Coverage and Family Planning: A Multi-Regional Landscape Study and Analysis of Select West African Countries

This report presents observed trends and lessons learned from a health financing landscape study of fifteen countries. We conducted detailed analyses of eight countries in West Africa: Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Guinea, Mali, Niger, Senegal, and Togo (“core countries”). We also reviewed seven countries at various stages of achieving UHC to draw lessons learned and […]

Ethiopia: Governing for Quality Improvement in the Context of UHC

The government of Ethiopia launched the Health Sector Development Program (HSDP) in the 1990s. During the 2010 reform of the health sector, the Drug Administration and Control Agency was re-established to focus on regulating drugs and food, and expanded their scope by including the regulation of health facilities and personnel. They changed their name to […]

HSFR/HFG Project Activities and Results Summary: August 2013 through December 2017

The USAID-funded Health Sector Financing Reform/Health Finance and Governance project (HSFR/HFG) has been the lead partner supporting the Government of Ethiopia to roll out and implement its wide range of health care financing (HCF) reforms at the national, regional, woreda (district), and health facility levels.

Ghana: Governing for Quality Improvement in the Context of UHC

Resource Type: Case Study Authors: Lisa Tarantino, Kelley Laird, Amanda Ottosson, Ruben Frescas, Kedar Mate, Vivian Addo-Cobbiah, Cynthia Bannerman, Paulina Pacheco, Daniel Burssa, Andrew Likaka, Mirwais Rahimzai, M. Rashad Massoud, and Shams Syed Published: August 2016 Resource Description:  Ghana’s National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS) was established by an Act of Parliament in 2003 (Act 650) to provide financial risk […]

Entomological Monitoring, Environmental Compliance, and Vector Control Capacity for the Prevention of Zika and Other Arboviruses: Dominican Republic Assessment Report

In the Dominican Republic (DR), the USAID-funded Health Finance and Governance (HFG) project assessed country capacity to conduct vector control and entomological monitoring of Aedes mosquitoes, the primary vector of the virus. The assessment was conducted from June 19-25, 2016 and sought to appraise current capacities, identify strengths and weaknesses in these capacities, and recommend […]

Malaysia: Governing for Quality Improvement in the Context of UHC

Presently, Malaysia does not have a social health insurance scheme except for the Social Security Organization (SOCSO), which provides coverage to formal sector employees for work-related illnesses and injuries. Malaysia’s current public health system does not target specific populations and the Ministry of Health (MOH) has a clear mandate to serve all. For services or […]

Governing Quality in Health Care on the Path to Universal Health Coverage: A Review of the Literature and 25 Country Experiences

While research has been conducted on service delivery and financing schemes for UHC, little consolidated knowledge or guidance is available on institutional arrangements and their impact on quality of care in the context of UHC. Responding to this need, the HFG project conducted a literature review to attempt to document global experience in institutional roles […]

Exploring the use of routinely-available, retrospective data to study the association between malaria control scale-up and micro-economic outcomes in Zambia

Country-level evidence on the impact of malaria control on micro-economic outcomes is vital for mobilizing domestic and donor resources for malaria control. Using routinely available survey data could facilitate this investigation in a cost-efficient way. The authors of this study used Malaria Indicator Surveys (MIS) and Living Conditions Monitoring Survey (LCMS) data from 2006 to […]

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