Archive by Author

Inventaire du secteur privé de la santé du Mali & proposition d’un nouveau format de base de données

Resource Type: Publication Authors: Dr. Boubacar Traoré Published: December 2017 Resource Description: Dans le cadre du PSA réalisé en 2017, un inventaire du secteur privé au Mali a également été réalisé pour mieux identifier le profil de la situation du personnel et des structures privées à but lucratif au Mali. Le rapport de l’inventaire décrit […]

Évaluation du secteur privé de la santé au Mali

Resource Type: Publication Authors: Sarah Castle, Bokar Touré, Françoise Armand, Yann Derriennic Published: December 2017 Resource Description: Plus récemment, une évaluation du système de santé (ESS) effectuée en 2015 par le Projet Health Finance and Governance de l’USAID a souligné le besoin de répondre à certaines préoccupations spécifiques en gardant comme principal objectif l’augmentation de […]

Mali Private Health Sector Assessment

Resource Type: Publication Authors: Sarah Castle, Bokar Touré, Françoise Armand, Yann Derriennic and Romana Haider Published: December 2017 Resource Description: In 2017, USAID/Mali and the government of Mali requested the HFG project to conduct a Private Sector Assessment to gain an in-depth understanding of the private sector (in this case defined as for-profit service and […]

Improving Health Financing through Multi-sectoral Collaboration – Lagos state Experience

Effective governance in the health sector is key in realizing a health system’s core goals and objectives, and in particular, increasing access to health care for a country’s most vulnerable populations. The role of the government in health and its relation to other actors whose activities have an impact on health involves the oversight and […]

Bauchi State Legislators Advocate for Increased Spending on Health

Government spending for health in Nigeria is suboptimal, leading to unacceptably high rates of out-of-pocket expenditure for health- estimated at 70% of total health expenditure. This situation is partly a result of chronic underfunding of the health sector, as well as inefficiencies in the release and management of funds. In response to this, the USAID’s […]

How to get Policy Makers to Actually use all the Data you Produce

By Heather Cogswell, associate scientist and resource tracking specialist in the International Development Division at Abt Associates, member of the HSG Translating Evidence into Action TWG May 31, 2018 – Perhaps you can relate to this experience. While sitting in a ministry of health’s reception area waiting for a meeting with the chief economist, I couldn’t help but […]

HFG Guinea Closes

May 30, 2018 – The official closing ceremony of the Health Finance and Governance project took place in Conakry, Guinea. Organized under the theme “Discussion of results, achievements and perspectives,” this closing ceremony of the HFG project was chaired by the Secretary-General of the Ministry of Health, Dr. Sékou Condé. In attendance were the USAID […]

HFG Indonesia Strategic Health Purchasing

Resource Type: Report Authors: Cheryl Cashin, Yulita Hendrartini, Aaron Pervin, Chelsea Taylor, and Laurel Hatt Published: November 2017 Description: The purpose of HFG Indonesia’s work in SHP was to support the National Council for Social Security (DJSN) establish a participatory process, supported by locally driven analytics, to assess the current institutional and regulatory foundation for […]

HFG disseminates research findings at multi-stakeholder consultation on India’s FP2020 journey

As India strives to deliver on its Family Planning 2020 (FP2020) commitment, the need for data-driven family planning programming is critical. The Health Finance and Governance (HFG) India program has helped address this need by analyzing data to build a large body of evidence on fertility trends in the country. The project’s sustained research focus […]

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