Archive by Author
malaria day_lead

Malaria Control Interventions and Broader Health System Implications

Worldwide, malaria deaths are down by 60 percent, and the Malaria Consortium estimates that more than six million lives have been saved since 2000. Ending malaria for good will require sustained financing for malaria control interventions, and sound evidence of the broader economic impacts of these activities to ensure smart investments. In recognition of World Malaria […]

uhc forum 2

2016 Annual UHC Financing Forum: Focus on Resource Mobilization

From April 14-15, 2016 the World Bank Group and USAID hosted the first annual Universal Health Coverage (UHC) Financing Forum in Washington, DC. At the forum, governments and development partners debated how to raise and organize public and private resources needed for low-income and lower- middle-income countries to assure affordable, quality health care to all of their people by […]

Core members of the "positive Living Group" are reaching the most remote people in order to bring them their treatment and to provide counseling and psychological support.

Sustaining Vietnam’s HIV and AIDS Programs

People living with HIV and AIDS  in Vietnam now have greater access to antiretroviral drugs (ARVs) than ever before. This access to care is largely the result of financial and in-kind contributions from the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEFAR) and The Global Fund which together have worked with the Government of Vietnam to cover […]

Tax Reform and Resource Mobilization for Health

Resource Type: Report Authors:  Shan Soe-Lin, Sasha Frankel, Eunice Heredia-Ortiz, and Marty Makinen Published: 12/01/2015 Resource Description:  As development assistance for health shrinks and the demand for health expenditures increases, developing countries are under mounting pressure to provide adequate resources for health. Governments can increase available public resources by benefiting from overall economic growth, borrowing, making efficiency […]

Peer-to-Peer Workshop in Accra Brings Together Stakeholders from across the African Continent

In February, Ghana’s Ministry of Health, National Health Insurance Authority, USAID, and HFG convened a workshop in Accra, bringing together senior delegates from countries at various states of developing or expanding their health insurance programs. The workshop, “Financial Protection and Improved Access to Health Care Peer-to-Peer Learning Workshop: Finding Solutions to Common Challenges” provided a unique opportunity […]


Indicators for Monitoring Health Systems Strengthening Programs

The US government through USAID and other agencies supports health systems strengthening efforts  to expand coverage and use of priority health services and to improve health outcomes worldwide. While there are generally accepted measures of health systems performance, there is not a single readily-available resource of health systems strengthening (HSS) indicators measured at the program […]

Launching Implementation Research for UHC to Inform Indonesia’s National Health Insurance Initiative

In January 2014, the Government of Indonesia (GoI) began the implementation of an ambitious national health insurance initiative aimed at moving the country toward Universal Health Coverage (UHC). The insurance program, known as Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional (JKN), aims to integrate numerous existing national and district-level insurance schemes, and extend health coverage to the entire population. […]

Indonesia Workshop Promotes Engagement in UHC Dialogue

The Government of Indonesia (GoI) aims to cover 100 percent of the country’s 250 million citizens under Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional (JKN), the national health insurance scheme, by 2019. USAID/Indonesia is committed to supporting the GoI as it works towards its ambitious goal of universal health coverage (UHC). Recognizing the importance of ensuring that its staff […]

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