Tag Archives: Health Systems 20/20

Using Nonfinancial Incentives to Improve Performance and Retention among Health Workers: Results from an Impact Evaluation in Swaziland

Resource Type: Report Authors: Marc Luoma, Nirmala Ravishankar, Ananya Price, Jason Bedford, and Alfred Mndzebele Published: 4/1/2011 Resource Description: Swaziland’s HIV/AIDS prevalence rate among adults is among the highest in the world. A shortage of trained health personnel and suboptimal productivity within the existing workforce are key impediments to scaling up HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment in Swaziland. In 2009, […]

Paying for Performance in Health: Guide to Developing the Blueprint 2.0

Resource Type: Tool Authors: Rena Eichler and Susna De Published: 4/1/2011 Resource Description: Pay for performance (P4P) is an innovative approach that explicitly links financial investment in health to health results. While the P4P concept seems relatively straightforward, the mechanics of its implementation need to be planned very carefully to elicit the desired behavior change in a given […]

Kenya National Health Accounts 2009/10

Resource Type: Report Authors: Ministry of Medical Services Kenya, Ministry of Public Health and Sanitation Kenya, and Health Systems 20/20 Published: 4/1/2011 Resource Description: NHA is comprised of a standard set of tables that presents various aspects of a nation’s health expenditures. It encompasses total health spending in a country including public, private, and donor expenditures. NHA carefully […]

HAPSAT HAITI: The Sustainability of OVC Programs

Resource Type: Report Authors: Elaine Baruwa, Darwin Young, Asha Sharma, and Rachelle Cassagnol Published: 3/1/2011 Resource Description: This report provides an in-depth sustainability analysis on the costs and types of care provided to orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) by PEPFAR-funded implementing partners. It describes and analyzes the range of interventions being delivered by four partners. The costs from […]

Nigeria: The National Strategic Plan for Tuberculosis and Leprosy Control (2010-2015)

Resource Type: Report Authors: Federal Ministry of Health of Nigeria, Health Systems 20/20 Published: 2/1/2011 Resource Description: The overall goal of the National Strategic Plan for Tuberculosis and Leprosy Control 2010-2015 is to reduce significantly the burden, socio-economic impact, and transmission of TB and leprosy in Nigeria, in line with the targets set by the Millennium Development […]

Zimbabwe Health System Assessment 2010

Resource Type: Report Authors: John Osika, Danielle Altman, Leah Ekbladh, Itamar Katz, Ha Nguyen, Josh Rosenfeld, Taylor Williamson, and Sam Tapera Published: 1/1/2011 Resource Description:  The methodological approach used in assessing the national health system in Zimbabwe is based on the Health Systems Assessment approach that was developed by Abt Associates-led Health Systems 20/20 project, in collaboration with […]

Namibia Health and HIV/AIDS Resource Tracking: 2007/08 & 2008/09

Resource Type: Report Authors: Government of Namibia, Health Systems 20/20, World Health Organization, and United Nations AIDS Published: 12/1/2010 Resource Description: This report presents findings from the health resource tracking activity undertaken by the Ministry of Health and Social Services, with support from several development partners, including the World Health Organization, the Joint United Nations Program on HIV/AIDS, […]

HIO Medical Audit Guidelines For Primary Health Care Clinics and Hospital

Resource Type: Tool Authors: Thomas Schwark, Nadwa Rafeh, and Mahmoud Farag Published: 12/1/2010 Resource Description: The Ministry of Health (MOH) in Egypt has initiated major reforms to improve health outcomes and the financial sustainability of Egypt’s health care system. A key component of the reforms is the separation of financing from the provision of care at the Health […]

Preventing Postpartum Hemorrhage at the Community Level in Senegal with Misoprostol

Resource Type: Report Authors: Christine Ortiz, Amadou Sylla, Mohamed Diadhou, Thierno Deing, Ibrahima Mall, and Nancy L. Sloan Published: 12/1/2010 Resource Description: This study was originally designed to investigate whether auxiliary midwives (known locally as matronnes)under the supervision of a certified midwife could safely give misoprostol to women giving birth at maternity huts. Matronnes are the medical professionals […]

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