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HFG Honored at Lagos State 2017 State Council on Health

During this year’s State Council on Health, Universal Health Coverage: Working towards a sustainable health agenda hosted by the Lagos State Ministry of Health, HFG Nigeria was honored for its contribution to health financing reforms and support towards the implementation of the Lagos State Health Scheme (LSHS). In addition, the Lagos State Program Coordinator, Udeme […]

Innovative Mechanisms for Raising Revenue for the Health Sector in The Dominican Republic

Resource Type: Brief Authors: Health Financing and Governance project Published: August 2017 Resource Description: This brief presents projections of the revenue that could be collected through five financing mechanisms. This information will support the Government of the Dominican Republic in deciding which mechanisms to implement. It is important to consider that taxes on the consumption of soft […]

KSPH decentralization opening_lead

Officials Gather in Kinshasa, DRC for Course on Health Sector Decentralization

In May, the HFG project supported the second “International Course on Decentralization in the Health Sector”, held in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). The five-day course was a follow up to the first decentralization course in May 2016. The course was so successful that participants asked that the HFG project consider organizing more […]

The Ethiopia Sixth Health Accounts, 2013/14: Statistical Report

Resource Type: Report Authors: Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Ministry of Health Published: August 2017 Resource Description: The purpose of the HA IV exercise was to estimate the amount and flow of health spending in the Ethiopian health system in 2013/14. In addition to estimating general health expenditures, the exercise tracked spending on the different disease categories […]

Ethiopia Health Accounts, 2013/14

Resource Type: Report Authors: Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Ministry of Health Published: August 2017 Resource Description: The objective of this sixth round of HA is to generate up-to-date empirical evidence on health care spending in order to inform formulation and development of health financing policy, including gauging financing performance of HSDP-IV and a baseline for the […]

Health Service Utilization and Expenditure Survey among People Living with HIV

Resource Type: Report Authors: Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Ministry of Health Published: August 2017 Resource Description: This is a report of a national survey that was conducted in September-October 2016 to generate evidence for the sixth Ethiopian Health Accounts (HA VI), which estimated health expenditures for 2013/14. The survey collected data on health service utilization and […]

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Bridging capacity gaps: HFG holds civil society organizations training in India

  Bolstering the organizational capacity of civil society organizations (CSOs) working with communities on family planning, maternal and child health, and social accountability issues has formed a major part of the Health Finance and Governance (HFG) project’s work in India over the past year. Working with the White Ribbon Alliance of India (WRAI), HFG is supporting a total […]

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