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Measuring Institutional and Technical Capacity for Health Accounts In-Country

While supporting over 20 countries with expenditure tracking, the HFG resource tracking team wanted to understand how institutional and technical capacity for Health Accounts was changing. This would help to target technical assistance to each country. HFG developed a “Health Accounts Capacity Assessment” tool to measure the growth in Health Accounts capacity in countries that […]

Strategic Purchasing to Support Voluntarism, Informed Choice, Quality and Accountability in Family Planning: Lessons from Results-Based Financing

Resource Type: Report Authors: Rena Eichler, Jenna Wright, Ben Bellows, Marie Cole, Victoria Boydell and Karen Hardee. Published: September 2018 Resource Description: The past 20 years have seen unprecedented financial commitment to family planning (FP) among governments of low- and middle-income countries and the donors that support them. However, mobilizing government and external resources is […]

Webinar | Better Health Governance, Better Health: Harnessing the Evidence

The importance of governance in health systems is well recognized, but there is still considerable debate on how governance interventions affect change in health outcomes and which interventions are appropriate for different contexts. This lack of clarity often reduces health governance efforts to a limited set of interventions, or justifies their exclusion altogether. To address this […]

Webinar: Defining Institutional Arrangements when Linking Financing to Quality in Health Care

As countries work towards achieving universal health coverage (UHC), maintaining and improving quality of care remains a major priority. Payers are key actors in health governance structures and have powerful tools at their disposal to influence quality. Strengthening the roles and clarifying the responsibilities of the payer(s) and improving their collaboration with other quality stakeholders is […]

¿Qué cantidad de medicamentos antirretrovirales necesita un país?

Estimación y programación de medicamentos Para alcanzar los objetivos de la estrategia 90-90-90, es esencial que un país tenga disponibilidad suficiente de medicamentos antirretrovirales (ARV) y otros productos para el VIH, tales como pruebas diagnósticas y condones. En la República Dominicana, donde el Gobierno se encuentra inmerso en el proceso de descentralización de su red […]

How Many ARV Medications Does One Country Need? Turns Out, It’s Complicated

To achieve the 90-90-90 goals, it is essential that a country has a sufficient availability of antiretroviral (ARV) medication and HIV commodities, such as diagnostics and condoms. In the Dominican Republic (DR), where the government is in the midst of decentralizing its health services network and expanding access to treatment, knowing exactly how much to […]

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