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Hematology machine purchased using the retained revenue help Meshualekia health center better serve its clients

Revenue Retention Improves Quality of Care at Addis Ababa Health Center

Debrework Getachew, head of the Meshualekia Health Center in Kirkos subcity of Addis Ababa, considers himself a witness to the dramatic changes that Ethiopia’s Health Care Financing (HCF) reforms have brought to his facility. He has been working there for more than six years. He started as a care provider and now leads a workforce of […]

Evaluation of Community-Based Health Insurance Pilot Schemes in Ethiopia: Final Report

As part of its health care financing strategy in general and its health insurance strategy in particular, the Government of Ethiopia endorsed and launched community-based health insurance (CBHI) schemes in 13 pilot woredas in Amhara, Oromia, Southern Nations, Nationalities, and Peoples (SNNP), and Tigray regions in 2010/11 to provide risk protection mechanisms for those employed […]

Tracking Urban Health Expenditures – Preliminary Results from Secondary Analysis of Bangladesh National Health Account

This brief presents preliminary findings of a secondary analysis of Bangladesh National Health Accounts (BNHA) IV focused on tracking urban health expenditures. This analysis is important given the rapid urbanization in Bangladesh, with 23% of the population currently living in urban areas.

Ethiopia Lead

Ethiopia Health Minister Applauds Community-Based Health Insurance

On a recent visit to the Dewa Chefa district community-based health insurance (CBHI) scheme, Ethiopia’s Minister of Health Dr. Kesetebirhan Admasu recognized the success of CBHI in expanding access to care and reaffirmed his earlier announcement that Ethiopia would expand CBHI throughout the country. The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) has worked with the […]

Building Capacity to Outsource Services: Experiences and Lessons Learned in Botswana’s Public Hospitals

Resource Type: Brief Authors: Heather Cogswell, Elizabeth Ohadi, Mompati Buzwani, Louise Myers, Naz Todini and Carlos Avila Published: April 30, 2015 Resource Description: Since gaining independence in 1966, Botswana has served as an example of development success—experiencing high economic growth and progressing to a middle-income country classification. Throughout this process, the private sector presence in Botswana has remained small while […]

4 hospitals botswana copy

Benchmarking Costs for Non-Clinical Services in Botswana’s Public Hospitals

Botswana’s health sector has embarked on a broad program of reforms and, to this end, the Ministry of Health (MOH) has developed the Health Services Outsourcing Strategy and Programme 2011-2016. This planning document emerges from major strategic thrusts outlined in the National Development Plan 10 and the revised National Health Policy. Decision makers at the […]

Linen closet at hospital in Botswana before (messy) and after (clean).

Small Management Changes Lead to Big Improvements at Botswana Hospital

Given the fluctuating value of Botswana’s two primary sources of revenue, diamonds and cattle, and the expected decline in donor assistance, the Government of Botswana is actively working to increase efficiencies in its health sector. To save money and maximize its resources, the government designed and implemented outsourcing agreements at seven major hospitals throughout the […]

ZISSP Zambia Safe Motherhood Action Groups (SMAGs) Community Meeting and individual sessions, ZISSP Project in Luapula Province, Zambia. Chipanta Village. Individual sessions where ZISSP talks to pregnant women or women with children about their safety, b

Malaria Interventions Save Money, Resources at the Facility-Level

There have been impressive gains in the fight against malaria since 2000, with incidence dropping nearly 30 percent globally and mortality falling by 47 percent, according to recent World Health Organization estimates. Evidence is scant, however, when it comes to understanding the broader impact of these gains on health systems in lower middle-income countries. In […]

Group at launch of the Swaziland Nursing Council's office space.

Swaziland: Entry-to-Practice Competencies for Nurses to Improve HIV, TB Services

With the world’s highest prevalence of HIV (26 percent) and TB/HIV co-infection (80 percent of tuberculosis patients have HIV), Swaziland has a critical need for a well-trained and sustainable workforce of medical professionals. Swaziland’s health problems are aggravated by the lack of human resources – doctors, nurses, midwives – in its health system, with many […]

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