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PHSP Jimma Higher Clinic

How Ethiopia is Empowering Women Through Community-Based Health Insurance

In many Ethiopian communities, not unlike other traditional societies, men are the head of household—the primary income earners and decision makers. As keepers of the family purse, men often make all financial decisions for the family–including spending on healthcare. Prior to 1998, the majority of the Ethiopian population was not covered by health insurance, and […]

Institutional Roles and Relationships Governing the Quality of Health Care

Improving the quality of patient-centered health services is paramount to delivering on the promise of universal health coverage (UHC). Many countries seek to expand access to affordable care; but ensuring quality of care during and after significant UHC reforms is recognized as a key challenge (JLN 2013). In a survey of over 100 government officials […]

Tool to Assess Entomological Monitoring, Environmental Compliance, and Vector Control Capacity for the Prevention and Control of Zika and Other Arboviruses

This assessment tool was designed to assess country capacity to conduct Aedes vector control and entomological monitoring activities in five countries in Latin America and the Caribbean – the Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, and Honduras. The purpose of the tool is to review capacity strengths and gaps within each of these countries, and […]

HFG Rapid Assessment of TB Payment and PFM Systems in the Philippines: Lessons Learned and Policy Implications

In the Philippines, there are roughly 290,000 new TB cases per year (WHO, 2016). Meanwhile, donor funding for TB has declined, health care costs are rising, and out-of-pocket spending accounts for roughly two-thirds of national TB expenditures. The Philippines needs to identify mechanisms to improve the efficiency of TB spending

HFG Rapid Assessment of TB Payment and PFM Systems in Cambodia: Lessons Learned and Policy Implications

Despite substantial funding for tuberculosis (TB) prevention and treatment over the last 10 years, both by donors and governments, the worldwide incidence of TB remains troubling. Across lower- and middle-income countries, access to TB services is limited, and the quality of TB services is often substandard.

Guide d’Introduction a la Professionnalisation des Mutuelles de Sante au Benin

Le Ministère de la santé et ses partenaires techniques et financiers contribuent depuis 1994, à travers plusieurs projets successifs, à l’amélioration de l’accessibilité financière des populations aux soins de santé de qualité par la promotion des mutuelles de santé. Les mutuelles de santé du Bénin ont évolué sans une législation propre. Mais depuis le 26 […]

Evaluation de la Gouvernance du Secteur Santé en Côte d’Ivoire

Resource Type: Report Authors:  Ministère de la Santé et de la Luttre Contre la Sida Published: 04/2014 Resource Description: Depuis plusieurs années, la Côte d’Ivoire a entrepris de nouvelles réformes dans tous les secteurs de développement. Dans le secteur de la santé, ces reformes concernent (i) la gratuité ciblée qui doit, à terme, faire place à (ii) la […]

Mobile money options to facilitate payment of incentives in Senegal’s RBF program: An assessment of opportunities, barriers, and solutions

USAID promotes the use of electronic payment services as a means for improving access to financial services for “unbanked” populations and increasing accountability and transparency for financial flows in public sector programs. Widespread diffusion of digital payments also can introduce more advanced services including savings, credit, and insurance. Results-Based Financing (RBF) interventions link incentive payments […]

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