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Strengthening of Guinea Health sector Post-Ebola: A Revised Document to Guide Health Research Priorities

Resource Type: Brief Authors: Federal Ministry of Health of Guinea Published: August 2017 Resource Description: In the post-Ebola era, nations must be able to conduct research rapidly to inform critical policy initiatives. Guinea, one of the countries hardest hit by the Ebola epidemic, took a major step in that direction with the validation of the revised National […]

Digital Financial Services in Health 2012-2017: Lessons from Literature and Expert Interviews

Resource Type: Brief Authors: Health Finance and Governance Project Published: September 2017 Resource Description: The Health Finance and Governance (HFG) project has promoted the use of digital financial services (DFS) in health for the past five years. HFG knowledge management activities include publishing case studies, participating in DFS workshops, interviewing service providers, conducting literature reviews, and conducting field […]

Role of Health Insurance in Strengthening the Financial Protection System in India

Exploring the institutional arrangements for linking health financing to the quality of care: Lessons from Indonesia, the Philippines, and Thailand

Resource Type: Study Authors: Altea Cico Resource Description: As the Asia region accelerates efforts to achieve UHC, strengthening the provision of quality health care has emerged as a major priority. However, evidence on the most effective institutional arrangements for ensuring quality in health care remains limited. The role of health financing actors in ensuring quality of […]

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Getting a Slice of the Pie: Tips & Tools for Increasing Public Funds for Health

“Domestic resource mobilization” is a hot topic in development. Stakeholders agree that domestic resource mobilization is the path to sustainable development finance. But what is domestic resource mobilization? What does it mean for the health sector? And how can countries achieve it? Put simply, domestic resource mobilization is the “process through which countries raise and spend their […]

Navigating Health Financing and Insurance Options for Urban Poor in India

Resource Type: Report Authors: Ramesh Bhat Published: August 2017 Resource Description: The objective of this report is to review the health financing challenge in India by presenting the findings of National Sample Survey Office (NSSO Round 71) data on out-of-pocket (OOP) spending on health. The paper specifically discusses the rural-urban differences in OOP spending and implications thereof. […]

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Role of Government-funded and Community-based Health Insurance Schemes in Moving toward Universal Health Coverage in India

Resource Type: Report Authors: Nishant Jain Published: August 2017 Resource Description: This report is to analyze the evolving scenario of government-financed health insurance schemes (GFHIS) and community-based health insurance (CBHI) schemes in India. The paper assesses the evolution of GFHIS and their impact on CBHI schemes with respect to innovation and implementation experience. The aim is to […]

Oportunidades para mejorar las eficiencias de los programas contra el VIH y SIDA en la República Dominicana

Resource Type: Publicación Authors: Sharon Nakhimovsky, Jonathan Cali, Claudia Valdez y Carlos Avila Published: Marzo 2017 Resource Description: Este documento resume algunos de los hallazgos de la evaluación realizada por el Proyecto de Financiamiento y Gobernanza en Salud (HFG) de la Agencia de los Estados Unidos para el Desarrollo Internacional (USAID), de las mayores fuentes de […]

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