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Explore USAID’s Health System Assessment Approach v3.0

USAID’s Health System Assessment Approach (HSAA) has been widely used in the developing world to diagnose health systems performance and to capture system-wide information to better inform health sector planning. The HSAA looks at the entire health system, including governance, health financing, health services delivery, human resources, pharmaceutical management, and health information systems, plus the […]

Lessons Learned in Institutional Capacity Building

Resource Type: Brief Authors: Health Finance and Governance Project Published: August 2018 Resource Description: The objective of this document is to present lessons learned based on HFG’s ICB experience, and to provide practical guidance that will inform future work in health systems strengthening. Ultimately, improved health system governance and management lead to improvements in the quality of essential […]

Can community action improve equity for maternal health and how does it do so? Research findings from Gujarat, India

Resource Type: Journal Article Authors: Asha S. George, Diwakar Mohan, Jaya Gupta, Amnesty E. LeFevre, Subhasri Balakrishnan, Rajani Ved and Renu Khanna Published: August 20, 2017 Resource Description: Efforts to work with civil society to strengthen community participation and action for health are particularly important in Gujarat, India, given that the state has resources and capacity, […]

An Assessment of PEPFAR partnership frameworks and Partnership framework implementation plans

Resource Type: Synthesis Report Authors: Health Finance and Governance Project Published: June 2017 Resource Description: The findings of this study demonstrate that overall the PFs/PFIPs did indeed advance partnership dialogue and partnerships between PEPFAR and governments. The process of development epitomized the spirit of country ownership with the active engagement of a wide array of partners and stakeholders. […]

“Treatment for All” Strategy for HIV Adopted in the Dominican Republic

The Dominican Republic has come a long way in managing its HIV epidemic, reducing its incidence rate to 0.9 percent in 2017 after concerted effort from its government and international partners. However, with a treatment coverage rate of just 52% of estimated people living with HIV (PLWH), the nation is far from reaching the international […]

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