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HFG Rapid Assessment of TB Payment and PFM Systems in Cambodia: Lessons Learned and Policy Implications

Despite substantial funding for tuberculosis (TB) prevention and treatment over the last 10 years, both by donors and governments, the worldwide incidence of TB remains troubling. Across lower- and middle-income countries, access to TB services is limited, and the quality of TB services is often substandard.

Vietnam 2013 General Health Accounts and Disease Expenditures with Sub-Analysis of 2013 HIV/AIDS Expenditure (Vietnamese)

Resource Type: Report Authors: Pham Le Tuan Published: June 2016 Resource Description: Hệ thống Tài khoản y tế (SHA – System of Health Account) là một công cụ hữu ích trình bày một cách có hệ thống dòng chảy của các nguồn tài chính liên quan đến sử dụng các hàng hóa và dịch vụ y tế […]

Core members of the "positive Living Group" are reaching the most remote people in order to bring them their treatment and to provide counseling and psychological support.

Sustaining Vietnam’s HIV and AIDS Programs

People living with HIV and AIDS  in Vietnam now have greater access to antiretroviral drugs (ARVs) than ever before. This access to care is largely the result of financial and in-kind contributions from the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEFAR) and The Global Fund which together have worked with the Government of Vietnam to cover […]

Design and Implementation Options for a Central Procurement Unit and ARV Financing in Vietnam

Resource Type: Report Authors: Matt Kukla and Pascal Verhoeven Published: 3/1/2016 Resource Description: As international guidelines and the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) policies for HIV epidemic control increasingly focus on “test and treat” (UNAIDS 90-90-90 and fast-track mandates), expanding access to and coverage of antiretroviral treatment (ART) for people living with HIV (PLHIV) has […]

Association between starting methadone maintenance therapy and changes in income and expenditures: Results of a facility exit interview

Resource Type: Journal Article Authors: Vietnam Authority of HIV/AIDS Control, Health Financing and Governance Project Published:  December 2015 Resource Description: The primary objective of this survey is to estimate the change in average income and general expenditures of methadone maintenance therapy (MMT) clients associated with starting MMT care. The null hypothesis is that income among MMT clients […]

Viral-Load Point-of-Care Technologies to Achieve an AIDS-Free Generation

Ending the AIDS epidemic requires not only political commitment and financial resources but also innovative solutions. New point-of-care (POC) technology to detect HIV viral load promises to be a game changer in the diagnosis and monitoring of HIV infection. Poverty and distance from healthcare facilities often place people infected with HIV beyond the reach of […]

Additional Domestic Resources to Scale-up the HIV and TB Response in South Africa

Resource Type: Success Story Authors: Health Finance & Governance Project Published: 12/1/2015 Resource Description: To tackle its substantial HIV and tuberculosis (TB) burdens, South Africa continues to rapidly scale up its response to both diseases. Over the past decade, the government of South Africa (GoSA) dramatically increased its financing for HIV and TB programs. Rapid scale-up requires […]

Evaluating the Costs and Efficiency of Integrating Family Planning Services into HIV and AIDS Treatment Services in Zambia

Resource Type: Report Authors: Sophie Faye, Benjamin Johns, Elaine Baruwa, Kelley Ambrose Published: October 2015 Resource Description: Integrating the delivery of health services is viewed as a priority in the fight for an AIDS-free generation, because this integration has the potential to improve access to HIV, family planning (FP), and other services and provide continuity of care for […]

Mobile Money for Health Case Study: TB REACH – Indus Hospital

Resource Type: Case Studies Authors: Health Finance and Governance (HFG) Published: 10/31/2015 Resource Description: This case study is one of 14 case studies profiled in the Mobile Money for Health Case Study Compendium. The Indus Hospital, a non-profit, private charity hospital situated in Karachi, Pakistan, provides free tertiary-level care to patients within a catchment population of 2.6 million. […]