Archive by Author

Vietnam 2013 General Health Accounts and Disease Expenditures with Sub-Analysis of 2013 HIV/AIDS Expenditure (Vietnamese)

Resource Type: Report Authors: Pham Le Tuan Published: June 2016 Resource Description: Hệ thống Tài khoản y tế (SHA – System of Health Account) là một công cụ hữu ích trình bày một cách có hệ thống dòng chảy của các nguồn tài chính liên quan đến sử dụng các hàng hóa và dịch vụ y tế […]

Prince Mahidol Award Conference: Report on the 2016 Conference on Priority Setting for Universal Health Coverage

Resource Type: Report Authors: Prince Mahidol Award Conference Secretariat Published: 2016 Resource Description: The Prince Mahidol Award Conference (PMAC) is an annual international conference focusing on policy-related health issues of global significance. The conference is hosted by the Prince Mahidol Award Foundation, the Thai Ministry of Public Health, Mahidol University and other global partners where their institutional […]

Ghana’s National Health Insurance Scheme: Ensuring Access to Malaria Services with Financial Protection

Malaria is a major cause of disease burden and poverty in Ghana and is the number one cause of morbidity and mortality of children under 5, making universal access to appropriate interventions for all populations at risk of malaria in Ghana a key health sector goal. Ghana’s National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS) provides access to […]

A retrospective review of the Honduras AIN-C program guided by a community health worker performance logic model

This article was originally published in the May 2016 issue of Human Resources for Health. Factors that influence performance of community health workers (CHWs) delivering health services are not well understood. A recent logic model proposed categories of support from both health sector and communities influence CHW performance and program outcomes.

Marshalling the Evidence Status Report

Resource Type: Report Authors: Joseph Naimoli and Sweta Saxena Published: April 2016 Resource Description: The “Impact of Health Systems Strengthening on Health Systems Performance and Outcomes-Marshalling the Evidence: A Status Report” is a USAID Office of Health Systems publication. HFG contributed to key pieces of the evidence, which are described in this summary document. Evidence is scarce, scattered, and […]

A Rapid Assessment of Key Areas of the NHSSP for Timor-Leste: Strengths, Challenges, and Opportunities for Moving Forward

Resource Type: Report Authors:  Andrea Feigl, Chris Lovelace, Nikita Ramchandani Published: 4/01/2016 Resource Description:  Since gaining its independence in 2002, Timor-Leste has made significant strides in rebuilding its political system, physical infrastructure, civil service structure, and health care system. The country has done this with substantial financial and technical donor support. In the health sector, Timor-Leste has […]

Financing Options for Antiretroviral Procurement

Resource Type: Presentation Authors: Health Finance and Governance Project Published: 4/1/2016 Resource Description: This presentation contains proposals to local partners to present policy options for centralized reimbursement and co-payment. In this way, HFG provides much needed technical support to the Ministry of Health and other government agencies in Vietnam. Furthermore, this proposal illustrates the means by which HFG, […]

Design and Implementation Options for a Central Procurement Unit and ARV Financing in Vietnam

Resource Type: Report Authors: Matt Kukla and Pascal Verhoeven Published: 3/1/2016 Resource Description: As international guidelines and the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) policies for HIV epidemic control increasingly focus on “test and treat” (UNAIDS 90-90-90 and fast-track mandates), expanding access to and coverage of antiretroviral treatment (ART) for people living with HIV (PLHIV) has […]

Tracking Family Planning Spending Using the System of Health Accounts Framework

Karishmah Bhuwanee traveled to Bali, Indonesia in January 2016 to present at the International Conference on Family Planning. This presentation helped promote USAID’s global leadership on the topics of results based financing in family planning supply chains, family planning inclusion in universal health coverage initiatives and the importance of resource tracking to improve family planning […]

Improving Health Data Quality in India’s Haryana and Punjab States

Resource Type: Success Story Authors: Health Finance & Governance Project Published: 1/1/2016 Resource Description: In India, progress on key health targets for maternal and child mortality has been slow. The 2015 United Nations Millennium Development Goals Report found that “poor data quality, lack of timely data and unavailability of disaggregated data” is a key challenge to India’s […]

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