Archive by Author
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HFG at Global Health Mini-U: HSS and Health Outcomes, Resilience, and More

On Friday, March 4th, HFG joined global health partners at USAID’s fifteenth annual Global Health Mini-University (Mini-U) – a day-long learning forum for Global Health professionals and students, offering a variety of innovative sessions highlighting evidence-based best practices and state-of-the-art information. This year the HFG project had four sessions including two that were livestreamed. Learn more about the sessions […]

The Governance of Quality: Defining Experiences and Success Factors in Institutional Roles and Relationships

In a survey of over 100 government officials from nine Joint Learning Network (JLN) member countries, the need to improve the quality of health care emerged as the number one priority. In subsequent collaborative work, JLN countries identified the challenge of setting institutional roles and responsibilities to govern national health care quality delivery as a […]

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Webinar | The Role of Health Insurance in UHC: Learning from Ghana and Ethiopia

On Wednesday, March 2nd, the HFG project hosted a webinar featuring technical experts: Hailu Zelelew (Senior Associate/Health Economist, HFG Project), Chris Lovelace (Senior Health Governance Expert, HFG Project), and Jeanna Holtz (Health Insurance Specialist, HFG Project). USAID’s Health Finance and Governance (HFG) project works with partners around the world to support their progress towards universal health […]

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Resource Mobilization Strategy Sets Nigeria’s Rivers State on Track to Sustain HIV and AIDS Response

As international financial support for HIV and AIDS programming stagnates in countries that have the funds to support these programs themselves, ensuring the sustainability of donor-established services is of paramount importance. Nigerian states are preparing to face the challenge of sustaining the current level of funding for the HIV and AIDS response. According to the […]

New Course: Systems Thinking In Public Health

A new course from Johns Hopkins University’s School of Public Health provides an introduction to systems thinking and systems models in public health. Problems in public health and health policy are often complex. Solutions are hard to sustain. Systems thinking is a core skill in public health that helps health policymakers build programs and policies that […]

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Health System Assessment Released at Critical Time for Guatemala

The results of Guatemala’s new Health System Assessment (HSA) were recently released in Guatemala City to a wide audience, including Vice President Jafeth Cabrera, Minister of Health Dr. Alfonso Cabrera, and United States Ambassador Todd Robinson. The report provides the Government and the international community with a baseline diagnosis of the current health system. It also […]

© 2014 C. Hanna-Truscott/Midwives for Haiti, Courtesy of Photoshare

Monitoring and Evaluating the Transition of Health Programs: New Guide Released

Transition can be defined as the transfer of financial, leadership and programmatic responsibilities for a health program from a donor to a recipient, according to a pre-defined plan. The current importance of transition is framed by an increased focus on sustainability and country capacity to lead and manage programs as program priorities change, and external […]

Análisis del sistema de salud de guatemala hallazgos y recomendaciones

Presentation by Ken Hoadley, Abt Associates Inc., January, 2016, at the launch of Guatemala’s 2015 Health System Assessment report. El sistema de salud pública de Guatemala goza de un marco regulatorio bien establecido, instituciones con larga trayectoria, trabajadores de la salud a todo nivel dedicados y experimentados, y una ausencia de dependencia en fuentes extranjeras […]

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Improving Health Data Quality in India’s Haryana and Punjab States

In India, progress on key health targets for maternal and child mortality has been slow. The 2015 United Nations Millennium Development Goals Report found that “poor data quality, lack of timely data and unavailability of disaggregated data” is a key challenge to India’s development policymaking. The national and state-level governments recognize the need for strengthening […]

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