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HSFR/HFG Conducts Regional End of Project Events in Ethiopia

June 27, 2018 – The Health Sector Financing Reform/Health Finance & Governance Project in Ethiopia, which is ending in September 2018, conducted regional End of Project events in the month of June. The events, attended by high level regional officials, including health and finance bureau heads and representatives from regional councils, as well as other […]

The Sokoto State Contributory Healthcare Management Scheme (SOCHEMA) becomes law

How a nation finances its health care delivery system could be a clear indicator in assessing the premium placed on its people’s health. As a critical component of development, the health sector requires adequate funding. The financing of Nigeria’s health care delivery system is mainly through tax revenue, out-of-pocket payments or user fees, donor funding […]

A regulatory review assessing JKN implementation versus design

Resource Type: Publication Authors:  Likke Putri, Insan Adiwibowo, M. Faozi Kurniawan, Yanti Leosari, Budi Siswoyo, Crista Dewi Shita Dewi, Susan Gigli, Kelley Laird, and Lisa LeRoy Published: April 2018 Resource Description: The purpose of the regulatory review undertaken in late 2015 was to understand the effectiveness of existing regulations in implementing JKN, potential shortcomings and […]

Évaluation du Système de Santé au Mali

Resource Type: Publication Authors:  Anne Juillet, Bokar Touré, Hagiratou Ouedraogo, and Yann Derriennic Published: Mars 2017 Resource Description: La Politique Nationale de Santé (PNS) actuelle du Mali date de 1990. Elle s’inscrit dans une approche sectorielle qui intègre l’organisation du système de santé, le développement social, et plus récemment, la promotion de la famille. Elle […]

HFG Mali Closes

June 22, 2018 – Transition was the dominant theme at HFG’s “Closure ceremony” in Mali on June 22 under the chairmanship of the Secretary General of the Minister of Health and Public Hygiene (MSHP) and coordinated by the Direction of Planning and Statistics (CPS). The event focused on use of HFG technical work for Mali’s […]

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