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Navigating Health Financing and Insurance Options for Urban Poor in India

Resource Type: Report Authors: Ramesh Bhat Published: August 2017 Resource Description: The objective of this report is to review the health financing challenge in India by presenting the findings of National Sample Survey Office (NSSO Round 71) data on out-of-pocket (OOP) spending on health. The paper specifically discusses the rural-urban differences in OOP spending and implications thereof. […]

Untitled design (3)

Role of Government-funded and Community-based Health Insurance Schemes in Moving toward Universal Health Coverage in India

Resource Type: Report Authors: Nishant Jain Published: August 2017 Resource Description: This report is to analyze the evolving scenario of government-financed health insurance schemes (GFHIS) and community-based health insurance (CBHI) schemes in India. The paper assesses the evolution of GFHIS and their impact on CBHI schemes with respect to innovation and implementation experience. The aim is to […]

Strengthening Primary Care as the Foundation of JKN

Central to the vision of JKN and the Government of Indonesia’s commitment to enhancing the health of all of its citizens is strengthening the role of primary care to prevent, treat and manage health conditions. How it is working, what the challenges are, and where might changes to regulations or operationalization of JKN contribute to […]

burundi capacity 3_lead

Strengthening the Organizational Capacity of Burundi’s National HIV and AIDS Program

Burundi’s National HIV/AIDS Program (PNLS) was created in 2011 to lead the long-term implementation of the Burundian Ministry of Health’s HIV and AIDS programs. Soon after its inception, it was clear that the National HIV/AIDS Program (Programme de Lutte Contra la SIDA or PNLS) lacked strong management and organizational capacity, resulting in weaker HIV and […]

Clincs in Addis

Linkages Between the Essential Health Services Package and Government-Sponsored Health Benefit Plans in Ethiopia

This case study is part of the Essential Health Services Country Snapshot Series. Resource Type: Case Study Authors: Adam Koon, Jenna Wright Published: June 2017 Resource Description: Priority setting is a key function of health systems that seek to achieve universal health coverage. The Essential Health Services Package (EHSP) explicitly prioritizes certain services; government-sponsored health benefit plans […]

Financing of Universal Health Coverage and Family Planning: A Multi-Regional Landscape Study and Analysis – Mali

Recognizing that a healthy population promotes economic development, resilience, and strength, many governments have started pursuing a universal health coverage (UHC) agenda. The international community, national governments, and private organizations and individuals are converging on the principle that universal access to family planning is a goal worthy of increased financial investment. Improved access to family […]

Implementation Research Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional Policy

This infographic describes the 2016 study on how to assess JKN regulations in primary care that have been implemented at district level, particularly regulations on capitation fund management. Capitation is a prospective payment system paid by BPJS Kesehatan to primary health care facilities to provide health services to JKN members enrolled in those facilities regardless […]

Navigating the Health Financing Challenge in India: Lessons from Mutuals, Cooperatives, and Community-based Organizations

This brief examines a study on the relevance of diverse mutuals, cooperatives, and community-based organizations (MCCOs) in India’s health insurance landscape and identifies the factors that hinder their expansion as well as the strategies that can propel their growth. Lessons learned and the role MCCOs play in strengthening the country’s financial protection system are presented.

Health Financing in Botswana: A Landscape Analysis

The government of Botswana is committed to achieving universal health coverage and assuming a higher share of HIV/AIDS and other health spending, even though long-term economic growth prospects are less optimistic than in the past. To guide its path, the government is developing a health financing strategy that will increase efficiency, ensure financial sustainability, and […]

In Bangladesh, Dialogue on Stakeholder Roles in Moving Closer to Universal Health Coverage

The movement towards achieving Universal Health Coverage (UHC) is gaining momentum in Bangladesh—especially following the approval of the Global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)—with a clear mandate for UHC, and strong political commitment from the highest echelon of the government. Key initiatives that testify to this commitment include the Health Care Financing Strategy 2012–2032, Bangladesh Health Workforce Strategy 2015, National Social Security Strategy […]

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