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Working with System of Health Accounts, 2011: Orientation, Discussion, and Next Steps

India conducted two National Health Accounts (NHA) exercises on data from 2001/02 and 2004/05. However, most health budgeting and spending in India is done by state-level government, which is why it was necessary to create state-level health accounts. The HFG project in India hosted a three-day (May 18-20, 2015) orientation on estimating HA using the […]

Championing Sustainability, Namibia Funds Health Accounts

Resource Type: Success Story Authors: Health Finance & Governance Project Published: 8/1/2015 Resource Description: In Namibia, donor funding for health dropped by 47 percent between 2009 and 2013. This sharp decline could have broad implications for the health sector—particularly Namibia’s HIV and AIDS response which relies heavily on donor resources. In light of declining donor resources for health, […]

Indonesia_MCH primer

Policy Primer: Using Health Accounts to End Preventable Child and Maternal Deaths

Ending preventable child and maternal deaths is at the forefront of country and development partner health agendas. While progress has been made over the last few decades, significant challenges remain. Of all of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), the least progress has been made toward Goal 5 – Improving maternal health.

Namibia 2012-13 Health Accounts Report

This report presents the findings and policy implications of Namibia’s Health Accounts estimation for the fiscal year April 2012 through March 2013 (2012/13). Earlier, Namibia completed three rounds of National Health Accounts covering the 11 years of spending between 1998/99 and 2008/09. The 2012/13 Health Accounts estimation in Namibia is the first round conducted using […]

Cost-Benefit Analysis of Outsourcing Cleaning Services at Mahalapye Hospital, Botswana

The Government of Botswana (GoB) is currently implementing a long-term strategy to diversify the economy, create opportunities for growth in the private sector, and increase the efficiency of the public sector. Outsourcing service delivery is one of four main approaches to privatisation outlined in the GoB’s policies, and the Ministry of Health (MoH) has been […]

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