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Performance-Based Incentives: Ensuring Voluntarism in Family Planning Initiatives

Resource Type: Report Authors: Rena Eichler, Barbara Seligman, Alix Beith, and Jenna Wright Published: 9/13/2010 Resource Description: The trend to implement Performance-based Incentives (PBI) in low- and middle-income countries to strengthen health systems, accelerate service utilization, and enhance quality of health interventions presents an opportunity as well as a challenge for voluntary family planning (FP) service delivery and […]

National Health Accounts 2007/2008: Egypt Report

Resource Type: Report Authors: Ministry of Health, Egypt and Health Systems 20/20 Published: 9/1/2010 Resource Description: NHA is a powerful tool to inform health financing policy as well as monitor the impact of policy interventions. According to His Excellency the Minister of Health Dr. Hatem El Gabaly, findings from the 2007/2008 report highlighted the need to increase […]

Comptes Nationaux de la Sante République de Côte D’Ivoire

Resource Type: Report Authors: Ministère de la Santé et de L’Hygiène Publique, Républic de Côte d’Ivoire Published: 9/1/2010 Resource Description: (This is the Côte D’Ivoire National Health Accounts in French.) Ce rapport retrace les résultats des deux premiers exercices des Comptes Nationaux de la Santé réalisés en Côte d’Ivoire. Ils sont limités aux dépenses de santé effectuées par […]

Report of the Technical Working Group on Sustainability for HIV/AIDS, Kenya

Resource Type: Report Authors: Health Systems 20/20, Government of Kenya Published: 8/1/2010 Resource Description: This report summarizes financial and human resource estimates and provides specific recommendations for putting Kenya’s HIV/AIDS program on more sustainable footing. Operational details for implementing decentralization of treatment and care services are discussed, along with the evidence and recommendations for implementing guideline changes in ART and PMTCT. […]

Kenya Health Systems Assessment 2010

Resource Type: Report Authors: Marc Luoma, Julie Doherty, Stephen Muchiri, Tiberius Barasa, Kate Hofler, Lisa Maniscalco, Charles Ouma, Rosalind Kirika, and Josephine Maundu Published: 8/1/2010 Resource Description: Continuing to strengthen Kenya’s health system requires a thorough understanding of its unique strengths and weaknesses. The ministries of health used the HSA process to evaluate the state of the health system at […]

Using Supply-side Pay for Performance to Strengthen Health Prevention Activities and Improve Efficiency: The Case of Belize

Resource Type: Case Study Authors: Michelle Vanzie, Natasha Hsi, Alix Beith, and Rena Eichler Published: 7/23/2010 Resource Description: Supply-side pay for performance (P4P) in Belize consists of monthly capitation payments, discounted based on achievement of monthly performance indicators by contracted public and private primary health care clinics, plus annual performance awards to the clinics. The goal of the […]

Angola Health System Assessment 2010

Resource Type: Report Authors: Catherine Connor, Denise Averbug, and Maria Miralles Published: 7/15/2010 Resource Description: The Health Systems 20/20 Project fielded a three-person team to conduct a rapid assessment of the Angolan health system to inform USAID/Angola’s new health sector strategy for 2011-2015 and provide recommendations for the Angolan Ministry of Health (MINSA) that is launching a new […]

Paying for Performance: The Janani Suraksha Yojana Program in India

Resource Type: Case Study Authors: Vikas Dagur, Katherine Senauer, and Kimberly Switlick-Prose Published: 7/7/2010 Resource Description: The pay-for-performance (P4P) Janani Suraksha Yojana (JSY) program in India consists of supply-side payments to individual community health workers and demand-side payments to women accessing a continuum of maternal and newborn health services at government or accredited private institutions. Its overall goal […]

Pay for Performance: Improving Maternal Health Services in Pakistan

Resource Type: Case Study Authors: Hamid Bashir, Sarfaraz Kazmi, Rena Eichler, Alix Beith, and Ellie Brown Published: 6/14/2010 Resource Description: Pay for performance (P4P) in Pakistan consists of supply-side payments to providers and demand-side vouchers that subsidize the costs of a package of reproductive health care services and transportation for poor women. The aim is to reduce maternal […]

Pay for Performance for Improved Health In Burundi

Resource Type: Case Study Authors: Dr. Jean-Francois Busogoro, MDPH, and Alix Beith Published: 6/11/2010 Resource Description: To increase utilization of health services and improve maternal and child health outcomes, Burundi is in the process of rolling out a publicly funded supply-side pay-for-performance (P4P) program nationwide consisting of payments to health facilities. Interesting features of this program include use of […]

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