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Building Vietnam’s Capacity to Assess Its Health Systems

Resource Type: Brief Authors: Amy Taye, Fred Rosensweig, and Megan Meline Published: 1/1/2012 Resource Description: Over the past decade, Vietnam has made important achievements in both its economic and social sectors, including health. Compared to countries of a similar economic status, Vietnam is considered to have fairly good health outcomes. Life expectancy at birth, for example, has increased […]

Egypt National Health Accounts: 2008/09

Resource Type: Report Authors: Sharon Nakhimovsky, Douglas Glandon, Nadwa Rafeh, and Nagwan Hassan Published: 11/1/2011 Resource Description: Egypt was one of the first low- and middle-income countries in the world to conduct a National Health Accounts (NHA) analysis. NHA is a powerful tool used to inform health financing policy as well as monitor the impact of policy interventions. […]

Eight Strategies that Strengthen Health Systems Worldwide

Resource Type: Brief Authors: Health Systems 20/20 Published: 11/1/2011 Resource Description: Countries need strong, resilient health systems that are able to provide high-quality health services to their citizens, especially the most vulnerable. Health Systems 20/20 collaborates with our counterparts to develop lasting solutions to strengthen their health systems. For the countries where we work, USAID, and the global […]

Egypt Household Health Expenditure and Utilization Survey 2010

Resource Type: Report Authors: Nadwa Rafeh, Julie Williams, and Nagwan Hassan Published: 11/1/2011 Resource Description: This report summarizes the results from the Egypt Household Health Services Expenditure and Utilization Survey 2009/2010, which looks at health care use, out-of-pocket expenditures on health, health insurance coverage, and sources of health care for the Egyptian population. This survey was conducted for the Ministry […]

Liberia’s Second-Round National Health Accounts: Part I: Institutional Health Spending 2009/10

Resource Type: Report Authors: Ministry of Health and Social Welfare of Liberia and Health Systems 20/20 Project Published: 11/1/2011 Resource Description: National Health Accounts (NHA) exercise is an internationally recognized methodology used to track total expenditures in a health system for a specified period of time. Liberia performed the NHA in financial year (FY) 2009/2010—the second time the […]

Guyana Health System Assessment 2010

Strengthening Guyana‘s health system requires an understanding of its unique strengths and weaknesses. This Health Systems Assessment (HSA), conducted in 2010, provides a comprehensive assessment of key system functions organized around six technical modules, aligned with the World Health Organization‘s health system building blocks: governance, health financing, service delivery, human resources for health (HRH), pharmaceutical […]

Health Systems 20/20 and Pay for Performance (P4P)

Resource Type: Brief Authors: Health Systems 20/20 Published: 10/1/2011 Resource Description: Pay-for-Performance (P4P) programs link compensation to results and serve as potentially powerful catalysts for strengthening health systems and achieving health targets. Many developing countries are piloting and scaling-up P4P programs to improve health results and meet health Millennium Development Goals. Health Systems 20/20 provides global leadership, builds […]

Health Systems 20/20 and Measuring and Monitoring Health System Performance

Resource Type: Brief Authors: Health Systems 20/20 Published: 10/1/2011 Resource Description: This brief outlines the Health Systems 20/20 approach to measuring and monitoring health system performance. Implementing health plans and policies that are based on evidence requires monitoring, evaluating, and communicating health system performance measures. Developing countries often have an abundance of information about their health system – their challenge is to bring together the […]

Health Systems 20/20 and Governance

Resource Type: Brief Authors: Health Systems 20/20 Published: 10/1/2011 Resource Description: This brief outlines Health Systems 20/20’s approach to governance. Health Systems 20/20 approaches health governance through a framework that defines the rules, roles, responsibilities, and institutions that shape the interactions among three main sets of actors: citizens/service users, government officials, and health service providers. These interactions include […]

Health Systems 20/20 and Financial Risk Protection

Resource Type: Brief Authors: Health Systems 20/20 Published: 10/1/2011 Resource Description: This brief outlines the Health Systems 20/20 approach to financial risk protection and health insurance. Health Systems 20/20 works with countries and subnational groups to establish or strengthen social health insurance programs, community-based prepayment schemes, voucher programs, conditional cash transfers, and other financial risk protection mechanisms that make health care more affordable. It does this […]

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