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Opportunities for Improving Efficiency of HIV and AIDS Spending in the Dominican Republic

Resource Type: Publication Authors: Sharon Nakhimovsky, Jonathan Cali, Claudia Valdez and Carlos Avila Published: July 2017 Resource Description: This brief summarizes the findings of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID)’s Health Finance and Governance project (HFG) in assessing the major sources of inefficiency in the DR’s HIV programs, and how to address them. The […]

Estimating and Comparing Efficiency Gains from Integration of Family Planning and HIV Testing and Counselling in Tanzania

Resource Type: Presentation Authors: Elaine Baruwa, Kelley Ambrose Published: 7/10/2017 Resource Description: Kelley Ambrose presented at the International Health Economics Association Conference in Boston, Massachusetts. This presentation offered findings from a study estimating and comparing the costs and efficiency gains of integrating family planning (FP) and HIV testing and counseling services in Tanzania.

Setting Health Financing Priorities in Botswana using Consensus-Oriented Decision-Making

Resource Type: Presentation Authors: Jonathan Cali Published: 7/10/2017 Resource Description: Jonathan Cali presented at the International Health Economics Association Conference in Boston, Massachusetts. This presentation shared HFG’s experiences of assisting the Government of Botswana to develop a health financing strategy for achieving universal health coverage.

Getting Health’s Slice of the Pie: Domestic Resource Mobilization for Health

Resource Type: Report Authors: Kirstin Krusell, Dr. Marty Makinen, Dr. Laurel Hatt Published: July 2017 Resource Description: Many low- and middle-income countries have experienced strong economic growth in recent years, resulting in increased capacity for social sector spending. Net energy importers have further benefited from falling fossil fuel prices.  At the same time donors are preparing to scale […]

Implementation Research for Universal Health Coverage in Indonesia

As part of its strategy in achieving universal health coverage of over 250 million people by 2019, Indonesia has entered an ambitious roll out of, its own national health insurance scheme known as, Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional (JKN). USAID’s Health Finance and Governance (HFG) project in Indonesia is supporting implementation research to understand the inevitable challenges in carrying […]

Penguatan Pelayanan Primer Melalui Optimalisasi Pemenfaatan Sisa Dana Kapitasi, Redistribusi Kepesertaan Dan Penegakan Sistem Rujukan Balik

Resource Type: Brief Authors: Laksono Trisnantoro, Likke Prawidya Putri, Shita Listyadewi, Christa Dewi, M. Faozi Kurniawan, Yanti Leosari, Budi Eko Siswoyo, Insan Rekso Adiwibowo Published: October 2016 Resource Description: Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional (JKN) telah berjalan selama kurang lebih 3 tahu. Kendati pemerintah telah mengeluarkan berbagai regulasi guna mendukung pelaksanaan JKN, masih banyak tantangan yang dihapi oleh Fasilitas Kesehatan Tingkat Pertama (FKYP) sebagai gatekeeper dalam […]

Strengthening Primary Care as the Foundation of JKN

Central to the vision of JKN and the Government of Indonesia’s commitment to enhancing the health of all of its citizens is strengthening the role of primary care to prevent, treat and manage health conditions. How it is working, what the challenges are, and where might changes to regulations or operationalization of JKN contribute to […]

Health sector governance: should we be investing more?

Resource Type: Report Authors: Robert Fryatt, Sara Bennett, Agnes Soucat Published: July 2017 Resource Description: Governance is central to improving health sector performance and achieving Universal Health Coverage (UHC). However, the growing body of research on governance and health has not yet led to a global consensus on the need for more investment in governance interventions to improve […]

burundi capacity 3_lead

Strengthening the Organizational Capacity of Burundi’s National HIV and AIDS Program

Burundi’s National HIV/AIDS Program (PNLS) was created in 2011 to lead the long-term implementation of the Burundian Ministry of Health’s HIV and AIDS programs. Soon after its inception, it was clear that the National HIV/AIDS Program (Programme de Lutte Contra la SIDA or PNLS) lacked strong management and organizational capacity, resulting in weaker HIV and […]

Clincs in Addis

Linkages Between the Essential Health Services Package and Government-Sponsored Health Benefit Plans in Ethiopia

This case study is part of the Essential Health Services Country Snapshot Series. Resource Type: Case Study Authors: Adam Koon, Jenna Wright Published: June 2017 Resource Description: Priority setting is a key function of health systems that seek to achieve universal health coverage. The Essential Health Services Package (EHSP) explicitly prioritizes certain services; government-sponsored health benefit plans […]

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