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Opciones para reducir la brecha de financiamiento en salud y alcanzar una respuesta acelerada contra el VIH – Análisis de financiamiento para el sector salud.

Resource Type: Publication Authors: De Peña Peralta, Vicente Luis Published: Agosto 2017 Resource Description: La investigación es parte de una guía lógica de análisis fiscal, que comienza en el capítulo uno con una tasa impositiva para la salud, y donde se contextualiza la investigación analizando los antecedentes y conceptos más importantes del trabajo. Además, se discute […]

Alternativas para la sostenibilidad de la respuesta al VIH y SIDA en la República Dominicana

Resource Type: Publication Authors: Jonathan Cali, Claudia Valdez, and Nassim Díaz Published: February 2018 Resource Description: Las propuestas presentadas aquí son recomendaciones acordadas por la Mesa de Sostenibilidad, y en su mayoría no han sido consideradas o adoptadas como política oficial por las autoridades relevantes. Además, éstas no representan todas las posibles intervenciones para aumentar […]

Alternative approaches for sustaining the HIV and AIDS response in Dominican Republic

Resource Type: Publication Authors: Jonathan Cali, Claudia Valdez, and Nassim Díaz Published: February 2018 Resource Description: The purpose of this report is to capture and consolidate the suggestions of the Sustainability Group for consideration by the Government of Dominican Republic (GODR) and other relevant stakeholders. GODR will be able to draw from this report when […]

Inventaire du secteur privé de la santé du Mali & proposition d’un nouveau format de base de données

Resource Type: Publication Authors: Dr. Boubacar Traoré Published: December 2017 Resource Description: Dans le cadre du PSA réalisé en 2017, un inventaire du secteur privé au Mali a également été réalisé pour mieux identifier le profil de la situation du personnel et des structures privées à but lucratif au Mali. Le rapport de l’inventaire décrit […]

Évaluation du secteur privé de la santé au Mali

Resource Type: Publication Authors: Sarah Castle, Bokar Touré, Françoise Armand, Yann Derriennic Published: December 2017 Resource Description: Plus récemment, une évaluation du système de santé (ESS) effectuée en 2015 par le Projet Health Finance and Governance de l’USAID a souligné le besoin de répondre à certaines préoccupations spécifiques en gardant comme principal objectif l’augmentation de […]

Strategic Communication for Universal Health Coverage Practical Guide and Planning Tool

The Strategic Communication for Universal Health Coverage Practical Guide and Planning Tool equips UHC and health policy champions and implementers with actionable guidance on how to develop a comprehensive strategic communication plan tailored to different stakeholder groups to achieve a specific UHC objective. Realizing UHC requires deliberate, tailored communication strategies that increase engagement and knowledge, […]

Webinar | Using Strategic Communication to Advance Universal Health Coverage

How can health system practitioners effectively communicate to advance UHC? Realizing UHC will require deliberate, tailored communication strategies that effectively engage and improve knowledge of and create buy-in for change among a diverse group of stakeholders – including political leaders, health care purchasers, providers, patients, suppliers, and civil society groups. Watch as USAID’s Health Finance […]

Bauchi State Legislators Advocate for Increased Spending on Health

Government spending for health in Nigeria is suboptimal, leading to unacceptably high rates of out-of-pocket expenditure for health- estimated at 70% of total health expenditure. This situation is partly a result of chronic underfunding of the health sector, as well as inefficiencies in the release and management of funds. In response to this, the USAID’s […]

Governance to Improve the Quality of Health Services: A Research Agenda

Improving the quality of patient-centered health services is at the heart of delivering on the promise of universal health coverage (UHC) and achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The WHO’s Framework on integrated people-centered health services  frames five strategies to achieve quality people-centered care, including creating an enabling environment that strives for quality improvement and […]

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Quality of Health Service Consensus Statement

As nations work to achieve Universal Health Coverage (UHC) and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the quality of health care must not be overlooked. Good governance plays a critical role in ensuring and improving health care quality. The Consensus Statement on Strengthening Governance to Improve the Quality of Health Service Delivery (“the Statement”) was conceived […]

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