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How Revenue Retention and Utilization Reform is Important in Mobilizing Revenue and Improving Service Quality at Health Facilities in Ethiopia

Resource Type: Technical Brief Authors: Ethiopia Health Sector Financing Reform/Health Finance and Governance Project Published: June 2018 Resource Description: Prior to the endorsement of Ethiopia’s Health Care Financing Strategy, underfinancing of the health sector was a major contributor to the deterioration of the quality and efficiency of health service delivery. There was little government spending on infrastructure […]

Ethiopia Health Sector Financing Reform/HFG: End-of-Project Report

Resource Type: Report Authors: Ethiopia Health Sector Financing Reform/Health Finance and Governance Project Published: June 2018 Resource Description: This end-of-project report summarizes HSFR/HFG performance and results achieved with the collaboration of the Government of Ethiopia and local counterparts from project start in August 2013 through March 2018 (or most recently available data). The next section provides context about […]

HSFR/HFG End of Project Regional Report – Oromia

Resource Type: Report Authors: Ethiopia Health Sector Financing Reform/Health Finance and Governance Project Published: June 2018 Resource Description: Oromia is the largest of Ethiopia’s nine regional states, accounting for about 30 percent of the country’s total land mass. The Ethiopian Central Statistics Agency estimates its population at 36.8 million, about 85 percent of whom reside in rural […]

HSFR/HFG End of Project Regional Report – SNNP

Resource Type: Report Authors: Ethiopia Health Sector Financing Reform/Health Finance and Governance Project Published: June 2018 Resource Description: Southern Nations, Nationalities and People’s (SNNP) region is one of nine regions in Ethiopia. It is located in the southwestern part of the country. It is divided into 15 administrative zones, 164 woredas (133 rural and 27 urban), four of […]

HSFR/HFG End of Project Regional Report – Tigray

Resource Type: Report Authors: Ethiopia Health Sector Financing Reform/Health Finance and Governance Project Published: June 2018 Resource Description: Tigray is northernmost of Ethiopia’s nine regions. It is divided into seven administrative zones – South, South East, East, Central, North West, West, and Mekelle city – and has 52 woredas (34 rural and 18 urban). According to Ethiopian […]

HSFR/HFG End of Project Regional Report – Amhara

Resource Type: Report Authors: Ethiopia Health Sector Financing Reform/Health Finance and Governance Project Published: June 2018 Resource Description: Amhara is one of Ethiopia’s largest regions; it has 12 zones, three city administrations, and 180 woredas (139 rural and 41 urban). According to the Ethiopian Central Statistics Agency, the region has a projected population of 21.5 million people, about […]

Second Annual Summit of the Legislative Network for Universal Health Coverage (UHC) and Nutrition

Overview In line with Target 3.8 of the Sustainable Development Goals on Universal Health Coverage and with current efforts to move Nigeria towards Universal Health Coverage, the National Assembly of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, in collaboration with Federal Ministry of Health, with support from HFG and development partners in Nigeria, convenes the first summit […]

Trends in Health Financing and the Private Health Sector in the Middle East and North Africa

Resource Type: Report Authors: SHOPS Plus, Health Financing and Governance Project Published: July 2018 Resource Description: In the past several decades, countries in the Middle East and North Africa have made significant improvements in developing their health systems and improving the health status of their populations. However, the region continues to face substantial and diverse political, macroeconomic,social, and […]

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