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Peru’s experiences with DRM for health

Recently, the Health Finance and Governance (HFG) Project organized a multi-country workshop to support policymakers from public health and finance agencies in developing concrete action plans for mobilizing domestic resources for health. This presentation is by the keynote speaker, Ms. Midori de Habich—Peru’s former Minister of Health, who spoke about her experience working across ministries, […]

HFG DRM for Health Workshop: Introduction

Recently, the Health Finance and Governance (HFG) Project organized a multi-country workshop to support policymakers from public health and finance agencies in developing concrete action plans for mobilizing domestic resources for health. Marty Makinen led an introduction presentation focusing on the importance of relationships between Ministries of Finance and Health in mobilizing domestic resources.

Mobile money options to facilitate payment of incentives in Senegal’s RBF program: An assessment of opportunities, barriers, and solutions

USAID promotes the use of electronic payment services as a means for improving access to financial services for “unbanked” populations and increasing accountability and transparency for financial flows in public sector programs. Widespread diffusion of digital payments also can introduce more advanced services including savings, credit, and insurance. Results-Based Financing (RBF) interventions link incentive payments […]

Follow the Money: Making the Most of Limited Health Resources

Worldwide, health systems are being asked to do more with less. In many countries, donor funds have stagnated or are declining. Policymakers can influence public and private health spending to improve efficiency, quality, equity, and expand access to life-saving health services. To succeed, however, governments need evidence around their health financing landscape. More and more, […]

Vietnam 2013 General Health Accounts and Disease Expenditures with Sub-Analysis of 2013 HIV/AIDS Expenditure (Vietnamese)

Resource Type: Report Authors: Pham Le Tuan Published: June 2016 Resource Description: Hệ thống Tài khoản y tế (SHA – System of Health Account) là một công cụ hữu ích trình bày một cách có hệ thống dòng chảy của các nguồn tài chính liên quan đến sử dụng các hàng hóa và dịch vụ y tế […]

A Rapid Assessment of Key Areas of the NHSSP for Timor-Leste: Strengths, Challenges, and Opportunities for Moving Forward

Resource Type: Report Authors:  Andrea Feigl, Chris Lovelace, Nikita Ramchandani Published: 4/01/2016 Resource Description:  Since gaining its independence in 2002, Timor-Leste has made significant strides in rebuilding its political system, physical infrastructure, civil service structure, and health care system. The country has done this with substantial financial and technical donor support. In the health sector, Timor-Leste has […]

el salvador case study_lead

Tax Reform as a Strategy to Mobilize Additional Resources for Health

As development assistance for health shrinks and the demand for health expenditures increases, developing countries are under mounting pressure to provide adequate resources for health. Governments can increase available public resources by benefiting from overall economic growth, borrowing, making efficiency gains, and reforming tax laws and improving tax administration, among others. Tax Reform and Resource […]

© 2014 C. Hanna-Truscott/Midwives for Haiti, Courtesy of Photoshare

Monitoring and Evaluating the Transition of Health Programs: New Guide Released

Transition can be defined as the transfer of financial, leadership and programmatic responsibilities for a health program from a donor to a recipient, according to a pre-defined plan. The current importance of transition is framed by an increased focus on sustainability and country capacity to lead and manage programs as program priorities change, and external […]

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