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Governing Quality-The Secret Sauce to UHC?

Presented at USAID’s Global Health Mini-University 2016. In a recent survey of over 100 government officials, the need to improve the quality of health care emerged as their number one priority. With the new SDGs and the growing attention to achieve Universal Health Coverage, the international community has renewed focus on ensuring quality services are […]

Preparing for Future Shocks: Building Resilient Health Systems

Presented at USAID’s Global Health Mini-University, 2016. After the recent Ebola outbreak, global health experts have turned to resilience frameworks used by other fields such as agriculture and engineering to understand how to build health systems that can withstand shocks, including infectious disease outbreaks, natural disasters, and political conflict. Speakers first briefly outlined each of […]

Tracking Family Planning Spending Using the System of Health Accounts Framework

Karishmah Bhuwanee traveled to Bali, Indonesia in January 2016 to present at the International Conference on Family Planning. This presentation helped promote USAID’s global leadership on the topics of results based financing in family planning supply chains, family planning inclusion in universal health coverage initiatives and the importance of resource tracking to improve family planning […]

Análisis del sistema de salud de guatemala hallazgos y recomendaciones

Presentation by Ken Hoadley, Abt Associates Inc., January, 2016, at the launch of Guatemala’s 2015 Health System Assessment report. El sistema de salud pública de Guatemala goza de un marco regulatorio bien establecido, instituciones con larga trayectoria, trabajadores de la salud a todo nivel dedicados y experimentados, y una ausencia de dependencia en fuentes extranjeras […]

Strengthening the Health Workforce to Improve Quality and Achieve Universal Health Coverage

This presentation focuses on three countries that are taking a systems approach to solving these two problems, with help from HFG: Haiti, Côte d’Ivoire, and Swaziland. In Haiti, HFG is working with the Ministry of Health to bolster its process for accrediting nursing education institutions, known as reconnaissance. More than 40 schools have already received […]

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