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Resource Mobilization Strategy Sets Nigeria’s Rivers State on Track to Sustain HIV and AIDS Response

As international financial support for HIV and AIDS programming stagnates in countries that have the funds to support these programs themselves, ensuring the sustainability of donor-established services is of paramount importance. Nigerian states are preparing to face the challenge of sustaining the current level of funding for the HIV and AIDS response. According to the […]

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Improving Health Data Quality in India’s Haryana and Punjab States

In India, progress on key health targets for maternal and child mortality has been slow. The 2015 United Nations Millennium Development Goals Report found that “poor data quality, lack of timely data and unavailability of disaggregated data” is a key challenge to India’s development policymaking. The national and state-level governments recognize the need for strengthening […]

Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health (RMNCH) Expenditure Bangladesh

The latest edition of the Bangladesh National Health Accounts (BNHA), also termed as the fourth round of BNHA, tracks the total health expenditure in Bangladesh between the fiscal years 1997 to 2012. It cross-stratified and categorized healthcare expenditures by financing, provision and consumption on an annual basis. For production of BNHA, System of Health Accounts […]


Additional Domestic Resources to Scale-Up the HIV and TB Response in South Africa

To tackle its substantial HIV and tuberculosis (TB) burdens, South Africa  continues to rapidly scale up its response to both diseases. Over the past decade, the government of South Africa (GoSA) dramatically increased its financing for HIV and TB programs. By the end of 2015, more than 3 million South Africans were taking life-sustaining antiretroviral drugs (ART) […]

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Partnering with Nigeria to Adopt Technology for Rapid, Effective TB Response

In its 20th annual global report on tuberculosis (TB), the World Health Organization ranked Nigeria third among the 22 high-burden countries in the world. Falling behind India and China, Nigeria ranks highest in Africa in terms of TB burden. The recently released WHO report states there are about half a million more cases of TB […]

Nigeria’s Rivers State Develops Resource Mobilization Strategy for Increased HIV/AIDS Program Funding

Recently, USAID/Nigeria, the Health Finance and Governance (HFG) and Strengthening Integrated Delivery of HIV/AIDS Services (SIDHAS) projects collaborated with Rivers State Agency for the Control of AIDS (SACA) to develop a new resource mobilization strategy, launched at a meeting on October 19, 2015. The new strategy is designed to increase government financing of HIV/AIDS programs […]


Tackling the Challenge of Financial Sustainability: Ghana’s NHIA

Since its establishment in September 2003, Ghana’s National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS) has captured the global health community’s attention as one of the most ambitious plans for universal health coverage in Africa. From modest growth of mutual health organization schemes to a rapidly scaled-up national program, the NHIS covers an estimated 35% of the population. A […]

Mobile Money for Health Case Study: L’Union Technique de la Mutualité Malienne

As part of a national commitment to work towards achieving universal health coverage, Mali is scaling-up a network of community based health insurance schemes, otherwise referred to as mutuelles. The mutuelles currently cover 4% of the population. A major challenge faced by the mutuelles is


Peru: “Gestión en Salud” Toolkit Delivered to University of San Marcos

In September, the web-based “Gestión en Salud” (Health Management) toolkit went live, with delivery to two stakeholder organizations – the University of San Marcos and the Government of Lima. The Health Management Toolkit is a suite of 17 tools developed, implemented, and refined by USAID and partners in the 20+ years of collaboration with the Government of […]

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Burundi’s Health Accounts Data Underline Need for Health Financing Reforms

Faced with a double burden of disease, Burundi’s government is grappling with how to address growing demand for health care. At the same time, the government is working to balance financial constraints, rising costs, and limited resources. Policymakers need access to the reliable data to make well-informed decisions to raise sufficient funds for the health sector, […]

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