Archive by Author

Saint Lucia Health Systems and Private Sector Assessment 2011

Resource Type: Report Authors: Michael Rodriguez, Barbara O’Hanlon, Abigail Vogus, Rich Feeley, Carol Narcisse, and Jodi Charles Published: 1/1/2012 Resource Description: As a part of the United States-Caribbean Regional HIV and AIDS Partnership Framework 2010-2014, USAID/Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean (USAID/EC) asked the Health Systems 20/20 and the Strengthening Health Outcomes through the Private Sector (SHOPS) projects to […]

Kenya NHA 2009/10 General Brochure

Resource Type: Flier Authors: Health Systems 20/20 Published: 1/4/2012 Resource Description: Health is essential to the socio-economic agenda of the Economic Recovery Strategy of the Government of Kenya as well as to the social pillar of the Vision 2030. Findings from the NHA 2009/10 will shape the national health financing framework and inform the National Health Strengthening Strategic […]

Kenya NHA 2009/10 – Reproductive Health Subaccount Brochure

Resource Type: Flier Authors: Health Systems 20/20 Published: 1/4/2012 Resource Description: Although substantial progress has been made, maternal mortality in Kenya remains unacceptably high (488/100,000). While family planning knowledge is almost universal among women of reproductive age, contraceptive prevalence rate for modern methods is still low, at 46%. Nationally, the proportion of children born at home has not […]

Target Setting of HIV Services

Resource Type: Report Authors: Itamar Katz, Wendy Wong, and Danielle Altman Published: 1/1/2012 Resource Description: Planning an HIV program requires determining its goals, developing activities to implement in order to reach the goals, and setting targets for the activities, which the program’s capacity can reach. Clear national targets for HIV programs will promote partner alignment to national priorities […]

HAPSAT 2.0 Software: Hands-on Exercise

Resource Type: Brief Authors: Itamar Katz and Wendy Wong Published: 1/1/2012 Resource Description: Objectives: Enable users to become familiar with the HAPSAT software and how to populate the tool Enable users to practice manipulating the output data to conduct scenario-based analyses Sections: Worksheets discussed in the section Estimated time for exercise. The total estimated time for the entire […]

Building Vietnam’s Capacity to Assess Its Health Systems

Resource Type: Brief Authors: Amy Taye, Fred Rosensweig, and Megan Meline Published: 1/1/2012 Resource Description: Over the past decade, Vietnam has made important achievements in both its economic and social sectors, including health. Compared to countries of a similar economic status, Vietnam is considered to have fairly good health outcomes. Life expectancy at birth, for example, has increased […]

Egypt National Health Accounts: 2008/09

Resource Type: Report Authors: Sharon Nakhimovsky, Douglas Glandon, Nadwa Rafeh, and Nagwan Hassan Published: 11/1/2011 Resource Description: Egypt was one of the first low- and middle-income countries in the world to conduct a National Health Accounts (NHA) analysis. NHA is a powerful tool used to inform health financing policy as well as monitor the impact of policy interventions. […]

Eight Strategies that Strengthen Health Systems Worldwide

Resource Type: Brief Authors: Health Systems 20/20 Published: 11/1/2011 Resource Description: Countries need strong, resilient health systems that are able to provide high-quality health services to their citizens, especially the most vulnerable. Health Systems 20/20 collaborates with our counterparts to develop lasting solutions to strengthen their health systems. For the countries where we work, USAID, and the global […]

Egypt Household Health Expenditure and Utilization Survey 2010

Resource Type: Report Authors: Nadwa Rafeh, Julie Williams, and Nagwan Hassan Published: 11/1/2011 Resource Description: This report summarizes the results from the Egypt Household Health Services Expenditure and Utilization Survey 2009/2010, which looks at health care use, out-of-pocket expenditures on health, health insurance coverage, and sources of health care for the Egyptian population. This survey was conducted for the Ministry […]

Liberia’s Second-Round National Health Accounts: Part I: Institutional Health Spending 2009/10

Resource Type: Report Authors: Ministry of Health and Social Welfare of Liberia and Health Systems 20/20 Project Published: 11/1/2011 Resource Description: National Health Accounts (NHA) exercise is an internationally recognized methodology used to track total expenditures in a health system for a specified period of time. Liberia performed the NHA in financial year (FY) 2009/2010—the second time the […]

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