Archive by Author

Piloting L3M for Child Marriage: Experience in Monitoring Results in Equity Systems (MoRES) in Bangladesh

Resource Type: Report Authors:  Ligia Paina, Lindsay Morgan, Yann Derriennic Published: 09/2014 Resource Description: Child marriage is a symptom of poverty and gender inequalities. Girls who marry early are more likely to die from maternal health-related causes; are less likely to stay in school; and are more likely to participate in a vicious cycle to […]

Options for Integrating Procurement and Supply Chain Systems for ARVs, Methadone, and anti-Tuberculosis Drugs in Vietnam

Given the projected decline in donor funding for HIV/AIDS and TB programs, many countries are faced with the reality of integrating these programs completely into national budgets while at the same time, planning for scaling up these programs. The Government of Vietnam

Africa Health Financing Workshop A Success

Recently, an HFG team traveled to Tanzania to help facilitate USAID’s East and Central Africa Workshop on Healthcare Financing Capacity-Building, a program of the Regional Africa Bureau. The workshop was designed to provide USAID staff with the tools needed to effectively dialogue with local country officials in an effort to increase domestic financing for health […]

Investments in HIV and AIDS Are Paying Off

New analysis presented during the 2014 International AIDS Society Conference shows that investments in HIV and AIDS in low and middle-income countries are paying off.  The data indicate that for the average country in Sub-Saharan Africa, increasing per capita HIV and AIDS investments by US$12 per year is associated with 250,000 fewer AIDS-related deaths or a […]

Prominent Health Accounting Approaches Explained

Health accounting data that show economic and financial resource flows within a health system are critical to informing health and economic policy – at both national and international levels. However, countries vary widely in their health accounting histories as well as the demand for and capacity to produce these data. A new brief, System of […]

System of Health Accounts (2011) and Health Satellite Accounts (2005): Comparison of Approaches

Resource Type: Brief Authors: Sharon Nakhimovsky, Patricia Hernandez-Peña, Cornelius van Mosseveld, Alain Palacios Published: June 2014 Resource Description: Accounting data on economic and financial resource flows within the health system are critical to informing health and economic policy at both national and international levels. For the most part, institutions that produce accounting data in the health system recognize the advantages of creating […]

Child-Friendly Courtroom Opens in Swaziland

In many parts of the world, violence against children is sad reality. In Swaziland the statistics paint an especially sobering picture. Nearly one in three Swazi girls experiences sexual violence before the age of 18 and one in four suffer physical violence, according to a 2007 UNICEF national study on violence against children in Swaziland. […]

Cote d’Ivoire, Ethiopia, Haiti Share Lessons Learned

Recently, three HFG Chiefs of Party shared lessons learned in strengthening health finance and governance systems in their countries ‒ Cote D’Ivoire, Ethiopia, and Haiti ‒ at a brown bag lunch held at the Ronald Reagan Building. Dr. Desire Boko explained HFG’s support to Cote d’Ivoire’s Office of the Inspection Generale to develop an accountability […]

Supporting the Scale-Up of HIV Care and Treatment through Human Resources for Health Interventions in Côte d’Ivoire

Resource Type: Brief Authors: Kate Greene Published: June 2014 Resource Description: Although Côte d’Ivoire has seen an overall downward trend in HIV prevalence rates over the past decade thanks to more robust and effective HIV/AIDS prevention programming, over 50 percent of adults and children who are HIV-positive have yet to receive antiretroviral therapy, according to UNAIDS estimates. Inadequate numbers […]

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