Archive by Author

Translating Evidence to Policy: It has been done! Learning from the Chilean Health Benefits Plan Development Process

Health Systems’ Global (HSG)’s Translating Evidence into Action Working Group hosted this webinar exploring Chile’s use of evidence in the design of their Universal Access with Explicit Guarantees (AUGE) health benefit plan (HBP) and reflecting on factors that can facilitate and hinder the process of evidence-based design. The focus of the webinar was the use […]

Using Evidence to Design Health Benefit Plans For Stronger Health Systems: Lessons from 25 Countries

Low- and middle-income country governments face competing health priorities as they try to increase their populations’ access to affordable healthcare with limited resources. Faced with difficult choices, how can governments align their spending with health system objectives? One common policy instrument governments are using is the health benefit plan (HBP), defined here as a pre-determined, […]

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Webinar | Translating Evidence to Policy, the Chilean Health Benefits Plan Development Process

Health Systems’ Global (HSG)’s Translating Evidence into Action Working Group hosted this webinar exploring Chile’s use of evidence in the design of their Universal Access with Explicit Guarantees (AUGE) health benefit plan (HBP) and reflecting on factors that can facilitate and hinder the process of evidence-based design. The focus of the webinar was the use […]

PEPFAR Transitions to Country Ownership Highlighted in GHSP Journal

As the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) shifts from direct funding for HIV and AIDS programming to increased country ownership, many countries are preparing to navigate this transition. An article by Abt Associates’ Abigail Vogus and Kylie Graff published in the June 2015 issue of Global Health: Science and Practice highlights lessons learned from other […]

three peruvian children

Paving the Way for Universal Health Coverage in Peru

Since implementing health sector reform in 1998, Peru has reached 80 percent of its population with health services, putting the country well on the path toward achieving universal health coverage (UHC). This progress is significant for the country of 30 million, characterized by diverse cultures and rugged geography. The expansion of health coverage to the […]

A community meeting

Tools to Help Civil Society Engage in Health Finance and Governance

Governments and international donor organizations increasingly acknowledge the role of civil society organizations (CSOs) in strengthening health systems. By facilitating dialogue between government and citizens on issues of health sector priorities, performance, and accountability, CSOs can help to improve health service delivery and contribute to evidence-based policy. Often, however, CSOs lack the skills and tools […]

Engaging Civil Society in Health Finance and Governance: A Guide for Practitioners

HFG’s guide provides governments and donors practical advice on engaging civil society in health finance and governance in order to meet health sector objectives and to improve health outcomes. Our guide describes the potential and limitations of civil society engagement entry points and presents an array of tools that may be used to do so.

A group of new doctors on Graduation Day © 2006 S. Loganathan (student)/CHRI, Courtesy of Photoshare

Remedying Urgent Health Worker Challenges in Haryana, India

Late last year, several employees of the Haryana Health Department filed a legal challenge as a result of receiving transfer orders to work at different health facilities. The plaintiffs claimed they had been wrongly transferred due to record-keeping mistakes. A subsequent judicial review uncovered numerous clerical errors in the state’s 25,000 employee records, including employees […]

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