Decentralization and Its Implications for the Democratic Republic of Congo

photo 1Recently, HFG co-hosted the International Course on Decentralization in the Health Sector in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). The course, based on international experience in health sector decentralization, was led by faculty from the Kinshasa School of Public Health (KSPH) in close collaboration with with Dr. Tom Bossert of Harvard University’s T.H. Chan School of Public Health.

The overall objective of the course was to improve understanding of decentralization and its implications for the health sector as well as to improve knowledge and skills in the implementation of this ongoing health sector reform. Another goal of the course was to improve understanding of roles and responsibilities, including decision-making in the context of decentralization and the behavior changes needed for improved performance of the health system.

In 2006, the country’s new constitution made several institutional reforms based on the principles of decentralization, allowing provinces authorities that had previously been held at the national level, including the health sector. While much conceptual work on the reform has been accomplished, there is still much to be done, especially in the area of institutional strengthening. HFG is assisting in the implementation of the health sector reforms at the central and provincial levels. Key to the institutional reforms is ensuring a common understanding of decentralization among key decision-makers.

Over 80 participants attended, with more than half being central and division heads of health departments—13 central directors, 25 heads of provincial health divisions, and 11 provincial medical inspectors. Development partners and civil society stakeholders were also present. Participants left the training with a renewed understanding of the fundamentals of decentralization in such areas as capacity building, accountability, financial mechanisms, planning, decision–making, and policy-related reforms and strategies.

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From left to right: Minister of Technical and Vocational Education, S. E. Jean Nengbanda, USAID/DRC Deputy Director, Christophe Tocco, and the Secretary General for Primary Education, Lufunisabo Bundoki.

The Deputy Director for the USAID/DRC Health Office congratulates participants. On the left, Minister of Higher Education, Mr. Theophile Mbemba Fundu and the Director of the Directorate of General Services and Human Resources, Mr. Ngumbu.

The Deputy Director for the USAID/DRC Health Office congratulates participants. On the left, Minister of Higher Education, Mr. Theophile Mbemba Fundu and the Director of the Directorate of General Services and Human Resources, Mr. Ngumbu.

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