Tag Archives: Guinea

How Guinea’s Government Is Collaborating to Improve Health Care

National Assembly and Ministry of Health work together in rare move  “Members of Parliament are not fully equipped in budget analysis. This training … will enable us to better fulfill our mission of controlling government actions and passing laws in defense of the interests of the people.” May 2017—In Guinea, a country that has some […]

HFG Guinea Closes

May 30, 2018 – The official closing ceremony of the Health Finance and Governance project took place in Conakry, Guinea. Organized under the theme “Discussion of results, achievements and perspectives,” this closing ceremony of the HFG project was chaired by the Secretary-General of the Ministry of Health, Dr. Sékou Condé. In attendance were the USAID […]

Strengthening of Guinea Health sector Post-Ebola: A Revised Document to Guide Health Research Priorities

Resource Type: Brief Authors: Federal Ministry of Health of Guinea Published: August 2017 Resource Description: In the post-Ebola era, nations must be able to conduct research rapidly to inform critical policy initiatives. Guinea, one of the countries hardest hit by the Ebola epidemic, took a major step in that direction with the validation of the revised National […]

Le financement de la couverture sanitaire universelle et de la planification familiale: Étude panoramique multirégionale et analyse – Guinée

Reconnaissant qu’une population en bonne santé est favorable au développement économique, à la résilience et à la prospérité, de nombreux gouvernements se sont lancés sur la voie de la couverture sanitaire universelle (CSU). La communauté internationale, les gouvernements nationaux et de nombreuses organisations privées et personnes physiques convergent sur le principe selon lequel l’accès universel […]

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