Strengthening Governance to Improve Access to Quality Healthcare

Resource Type: ReportEEHR tech brief
Authors: Lisa Tarantino, Enabling Equitable Health Reform in Albania Project
Published: 3/1/2014
Resource Description:

Effective health sector governance is essential to sustainable, equitable access to quality care. The USAID-funded Enabling Equitable Health Reform in Albania (EEHR) project has worked closely with health institutions and civil society at the national, regional, and facility levels to strengthen governance, thereby supporting reform implementation and oversight with the ultimate goal of increasing access to quality health care.

The poor of Albania face obstacles in health care including high out of pocket expenditures, including potentially catastrophic expenses for secondary care, inadequate medical supplies and poor quality of services. The Government of Albania has made significant strides in enacting laws and reforming health care policies to reflect its priorities of improving access to quality care for the population, and increasing the effectiveness of health care delivery. Turning ambitious policy into action is a challenge for any government.



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