Financing of Universal Health Coverage and Family Planning: A Multi-Regional Landscape Study and Analysis – Guinea
May 1, 2017Recognizing that a healthy population promotes economic development, resilience, and strength, many governments have started pursuing a universal health coverage (UHC) agenda. The international community, national governments, and private organizatio …
Le financement de la couverture sanitaire universelle et de la planification familiale: Étude panoramique multirégionale et analyse – Sénégal
April 25, 2017Reconnaissant qu’une population en bonne santé est favorable au développement économique, à la résilience et à la prospérité, de nombreux gouvernements se sont lancés sur la voie de la couverture sanitaire universelle (CSU). La communauté internation …
Le financement de la couverture sanitaire universelle et de la planification familiale: Étude panoramique multirégionale et analyse – Togo
April 15, 2017in English Resource Type: Report Authors: Jenna Wright, Karishmah Bhuwanee, Ffyona Patel, Jeanna Holtz, Thierry van Bastelaer, Rena Eichler Published: 1/2017 Resource Description: Reconnaissant qu’une population en bonne santé est favorable au dévelo …
Expanding Coverage to Informal Workers: A Study of EPCMD Countries’ Efforts to Date
April 1, 2017For many low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), expanding health coverage to informal workers is one of the most common, yet complex challenges requiring action. Informal workers are, by definition, not provided with legal or social protections th …
JLN Learning Exchange on Strategic Health Purchasing in Decentralized Contexts for Indonesia
April 1, 2017Resource Type: Report Authors: The Joint Learning Network for Universal Health Coverage Published: April 2017 Resource Description: As countries move toward universal health coverage (UHC), they are faced with the ongoing challenge of generating suff …
Uganda: Governing for Quality Improvement in the Context of UHC
March 4, 2017In 2010, the Uganda Capacity Program conducted a situation analysis of quality improvement initiatives that identified there were many quality improvement initiatives, however they were mostly donor driven. Uganda had weak mechanisms to coordinate th …
Financing of Universal Health Coverage and Family Planning: A Multi-Regional Landscape Study and Analysis of Select West African Countries
February 27, 2017This report presents observed trends and lessons learned from a health financing landscape study of fifteen countries. We conducted detailed analyses of eight countries in West Africa: Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Guinea, Mali, Niger, Senegal, and …
Ethiopia: Governing for Quality Improvement in the Context of UHC
February 24, 2017The government of Ethiopia launched the Health Sector Development Program (HSDP) in the 1990s. During the 2010 reform of the health sector, the Drug Administration and Control Agency was re-established to focus on regulating drugs and food, and expan …
Malaysia: Governing for Quality Improvement in the Context of UHC
January 24, 2017Presently, Malaysia does not have a social health insurance scheme except for the Social Security Organization (SOCSO), which provides coverage to formal sector employees for work-related illnesses and injuries. Malaysia’s current public health syste …
Governing Quality in Health Care on the Path to Universal Health Coverage: A Review of the Literature and 25 Country Experiences
January 6, 2017While research has been conducted on service delivery and financing schemes for UHC, little consolidated knowledge or guidance is available on institutional arrangements and their impact on quality of care in the context of UHC. Responding to this ne …