Mobile Money for Health Case Study: ARA Ubuntu Afya (Kenya)

Resource Type: Case Studies
Authors: Health Finance and Governance (HFG)
Published: 10/31/2015

Resource Description:ara ubuntu

This case study is one of 14 case studies profiled in the Mobile Money for Health Case Study Compendium.

There are a wide range of challenges preventing the rural and urban poor in Kenya from obtaining quality health services, including: distance to health facilities, poor infrastructure, sub-optimal quality of health services, and overworked health providers. With funding from the HANSHEP Health Enterprise Fund, Afya Research Africa (ARA), a Kenyan based nonprofit, has responded to these challenges by developing a chain of health kiosks. The Ubuntu Afya kiosks, located in hard-to-reach locations, offer affordable, accessible health care services to previously underserved populations. Health kiosks are co-owned and operated by members of the community, including self-help groups and savings collectives, who contribute labor and monetary resources in order to build and staff the kiosks. All kiosks are staffed by a clinical officer and a community health worker (CHW), who provide consultations, perform basic diagnostics, and distribute medicines on a fee-for-service basis at highly subsidized prices. The kiosk operations are supported by a web-based health management information system, allowing for real time monitoring of service delivery and quality, and promoting clinical accountability.


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