Landscape of Prepaid Health Schemes in Bangladesh

Resource Type: Report
Authors: Syed Abdul Hamid
Published: 05/2016

Resource Description:

This landscape study is part of a series of studies and analysis, undertaken by HFG on behalf of USAID/Bangladesh to determine the feasibility of NGO provider-based prepayment schemes. This paper describes, based on available documents, published and gray literature, and key informant and expert interviews, the landscape of prepaid health schemes in Bangladesh giving particular focus on provider based prepayment schemes. Bangladesh has extensive networks of NGO providers, some such as the Smiling Sun NGO networks have been supported through external funding. This paper reviews existing or recently completed prepaid schemes as a first step to determine the feasibility of provider-based prepaid schemes to increase the NGO providers’ sustainability.

In order to determine the feasibility of provider based prepayment schemes in Bangladesh, HFG, in close collaboration with the NGO Health Service Delivery project (NHSDP), executed the following steps: 1) Selected a Smiling Sun NGO network on a competitive basis; 2) Conducted an analysis of Bangladesh prepayment schemes landscape; 3) Executed a costing of services provided, compared the costs to the prices charged for these services to paying clients; 4) Compared the prices charged at selected CFWD clinics to competitors; 5) Developed two prepaid services packages, and finally, 6) HFG partner, the Centre of Excellence for Universal Health Coverage icddr,b at James P Grant School of Public Health, BRAC University, designed and implemented a study to gauge existing clients’ interest/demand for these packages.

This paper is the result of step 2 above. This landscape study and four other document, please see feasibility analysis content page for complete list, inform the feasibility analysis

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