Haiti Developing New National Health Financing Strategy

To put its National Health Policy into action, Haiti needs to determine where the necessary resources will come from and how they will be spent. To bridge that gap, the HFG Project is working with the Ministry of Health’s Planning and Evaluation Unit to develop a national health financing strategy. This strategy will focus on the mobilization of resources, the pooling of risks and financial protection, and purchasing and provider payment. A new brief describes HFG’s work with the Ministry.

As a starting point, HFG has supported the Ministry of Health to conduct a situation analysis of the current state of health financing in Haiti. The facts gathered in this analysis will help shape the national health financing strategy. Once the strategy has been drafted, approved and adopted, it will then be used alongside the National Health Accounts and the fully-costed National Health Plan to provide strong evidence and powerful justification for increased health financing in the future to improve Haiti’s health outcomes.

pdf_icon_50x50 Developing Haiti’s First Health Financing Strategy


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