Experiences in Outsourcing Nonclinical Services Among Public Hospitals in Botswana

Outsourcing Nonclinical Services Botswana screenshotResource Type: Report
Authors: Heather Cogswell, Mompati Buzwani, Louise Myers, Elizabeth Ohadi, Naz Todini and Carlos Avila
Published: April 30, 2015

Resource Description:

Since gaining independence in 1966, Botswana has served as an example of development success—experiencing high economic growth and progressing to a middle-income country classification. Throughout this process, the private sector presence in Botswana has remained small while the government has grown to become the dominant player in the economy and the country’s main employer. With the national Privatisation Policy of 2000, the government began implementing a broad set of reforms to diversify the economy, address the volatility of its two main sources of domestic revenue, cattle and diamonds, and increase the efficiency of the public sector.

While privatisation is a national policy, its uptake has been slow. 15 years after the policy was enacted, the Ministry of Health (MoH) is the leader in the government’s outsourcing and privatisation initiatives. The MoH has designed and implemented a number of outsourcing agreements for nonclinical services at seven regional and district hospitals in the country. These nonclinical services include cleaning, laundry, security, grounds, and porter services. Food service is expected to be outsourced in a few facilities in the near future. As a leader in outsourcing, the MoH has encountered and overcome challenges that are documented in this report. The material and lessons learned are intended to serve as a resource for others as they undertake outsourcing initiatives.


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