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Outsourcing Non-clinical Services in Public Hospitals: Achievements and Lessons from Ethiopia

Resource Type: Technical Brief Authors: Ethiopia Health Sector Financing Reform/Health Finance and Governance Project Published: June 2018 Resource Description: This brief highlights major achievements, challenges, and lessons learned in implementing outsourcing. The analysis contained is based primarily on qualitative information collected through supportive supervision visits, performance review meetings, and a review of Health Care Finance Reform/Health Finance […]

How Revenue Retention and Utilization Reform is Important in Mobilizing Revenue and Improving Service Quality at Health Facilities in Ethiopia

Resource Type: Technical Brief Authors: Ethiopia Health Sector Financing Reform/Health Finance and Governance Project Published: June 2018 Resource Description: Prior to the endorsement of Ethiopia’s Health Care Financing Strategy, underfinancing of the health sector was a major contributor to the deterioration of the quality and efficiency of health service delivery. There was little government spending on infrastructure […]

Second Annual Summit of the Legislative Network for Universal Health Coverage (UHC) and Nutrition

Overview In line with Target 3.8 of the Sustainable Development Goals on Universal Health Coverage and with current efforts to move Nigeria towards Universal Health Coverage, the National Assembly of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, in collaboration with Federal Ministry of Health, with support from HFG and development partners in Nigeria, convenes the first summit […]

Resource Allocation and Utilization in the Health and Education Sectors: Challenges and Opportunities in Ghana

In 2017, the Ghana Center for Democratic Development (CDD-Ghana) and HFG completed a study that applied a political economy approach to examine the complex landscape of institutions, political pressures, incentives, obstacles, and costs that Ghana faces as it transitions towards financing the health and education sectors on its own. This brief summarizes the results of […]

Seyoum Aklilu, Senior Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist, HSFR/HFG Presents at end of project event July 19, 2018.

Senior Health Officials in Ethiopia Recognize the Contributions at the HSFR/HFG End of Project Event

On Thursday, July 19, 2018, the Ethiopia Health Sector Financing Reform/Health Finance and Governance (HSFR/HFG) project welcomed representatives from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), the Federal Ministry of Health (FMOH), Ethiopia Health Insurance Agency (EHIA), Regional Health Bureaus (RHBs), Zonal Health Departments, community-based health insurance (CBHI) schemes, Bureau of Finance and Economic […]

HFG Bangladesh Closes

June 27, 2018 – HFG Bangladesh organized it’s end of project event on June 25, 2018 titled ‘Advancing Health Financing and Governance in Bangladesh: Sharing Lessons from USAID’s HFG Project’. The event included a wide range of stakeholders, partners, and collaborators including high officials of Government of Bangladesh, USAID, academia, civil society, and others. The […]

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