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Haryana Health GIS: Leveraging Technology to Strengthen Evidence-based Decision Making in Public Health

This brief describes the partnership between the Government of Haryana and the HFG project to enhance the quality and use of data to improve the public health system’s practice and performance. The need is imperative for Haryana, which paradoxically continues to lag on child and maternal health indicators despite being a fast-growing, economically strong state […]

Stakeholder Communications for Universal Health Coverage: Partnering with the Joint Learning Network

Effective communications and stakeholder engagement are critical to universal health coverage (UHC) reform efforts – a challenge that has been repeatedly cited by the policymakers and practitioners from JLN’s (Joint Learning Network) member countries. Even when strong technical designs for policy initiatives exist, consistent and systematic inclusive communications and feedback loops are needed to share […]

Le financement de la couverture sanitaire universelle et de la planification familiale: Étude panoramique multirégionale et analyse – Guinée

Reconnaissant qu’une population en bonne santé est favorable au développement économique, à la résilience et à la prospérité, de nombreux gouvernements se sont lancés sur la voie de la couverture sanitaire universelle (CSU). La communauté internationale, les gouvernements nationaux et de nombreuses organisations privées et personnes physiques convergent sur le principe selon lequel l’accès universel […]

Actuarial Analysis Related to Development of Vietnam’s Social Health Insurance Benefit Package

This is the executive summary of a report that documents Actuarial Analysis related to the development of a Basic Health Service Package (BHSP) for Social Health Insurance (SHI) in Vietnam. It attempts to answer the following key questions: What is the disease burden based on cost for SHI in Vietnam? What are the top five […]

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Assessment Lays Groundwork for Support to Civil Society Organization Network in India

Recognizing the powerful potential of CSOs, and the capacity gaps that inhibit this potential, the HFG project has partnered with the White Ribbon Alliance of India (WRAI), a prominent countrywide network of grassroots CSOs engaged in FP advocacy. The project has helped develop a structured plan to provide capacity building support to CSOs, focusing on […]

First Global Health Accounts Peer-Learning Workshop

In November 2016, over 60 government technicians, policymakers, and technical advisors from 47 countries across the Americas, Africa, Asia, and Europe participated in the first Global Health Accounts Peer-Learning Workshop. During this workshop, participants shared their experiences and ideas on how to improve Health Accounts production and increase the uptake of Health Accounts results for […]

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Caribbean Drafts First Regional Global Health Security Agenda Roadmap

In the Caribbean region, a high prevalence of vector-borne diseases and frequent cross-border travel challenge these small nations’ abilities to prevent, detect, and respond to global health threats. A single outbreak can have devastating effects on such countries, and can easily and immediately spread from one country to another. At the upcoming Caribbean Community (CARICOM) Conference […]

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Journalists in Nigeria’s Cross River State Put Training into Action to Talk Health Insurance

Cross River State has successfully enacted the laws for a mandatory health insurance scheme—CRSHIS. An important part of launching the health insurance scheme is creating awareness among state citizens about what it means for them, not only in terms of their own health care but also the social and economic benefits for CRS and the […]

Financing of Universal Health Coverage and Family Planning: A Multi-Regional Landscape Study and Analysis – Guinea

Recognizing that a healthy population promotes economic development, resilience, and strength, many governments have started pursuing a universal health coverage (UHC) agenda. The international community, national governments, and private organizations and individuals are converging on the principle that universal access to family planning is a goal worthy of increased financial investment. Improved access to family […]

Landscape of Prepaid Health Schemes in Bangladesh

Bangladesh’s Health Care Financing Strategy (HCFS) identifies three target populations: the poor (below the poverty line – BPL); the informal sector; and the formal sector. These three type populations are to be covered using different approaches. For the BPL, a government scheme known as Shasthyo Shuroksha Karmasuchi (SSK) has achieved much progress to begin its […]

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