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Mobile Money for Health Case Study: L’Union Technique de la Mutualité Malienne

As part of a national commitment to work towards achieving universal health coverage, Mali is scaling-up a network of community based health insurance schemes, otherwise referred to as mutuelles. The mutuelles currently cover 4% of the population. A major challenge faced by the mutuelles is

Extending Health Insurance to Informal Sector Workers in Urban Settings: Findings from a Micro Insurance Pilot in Lagos, Nigeria

As a growing number of low- and middle-income countries commit to achieving universal health coverage (UHC), micro health insurance provides a potential model to finance health services for informal sector workers in the absence of a comprehensive government insurance program targeting that

Essential Packages of Health Services: A Landscape Analysis in 24 EPCMD Countries

In an effort to better understand what the EPHS are and what they are being used for in the EPCMD countries, USAID requested that HFG conduct an analysis to provide a “snapshot” for each of the priority countries. The activity results enable quick identification of the EPHS for the studied countries, allowing practitioners to identify […]

Manuel de Procedures Administrative, Financiere et Comptable des Unions ou Mutuelles Communales de Sante au Benin

Depuis 1995, se développent au Bénin des mutuelles de santé en réponse aux difficultés d’accès des populations aux soins de santé dues à l’instauration, dans le système, du paiement direct des soins. Ces mutuelles de santé qui fonctionnent sur la base de la solidarité sont portées, pour la plupart, par des bénévoles élus parmi les […]

A Nepali mother with two young boys and their grandfather.

Essential Health Services Country Snapshot Series

A new series of country profiles analyzes the governance dimensions of Essential Packages of Health Services (EPHS) in the 24 Ending Preventable Child and Maternal Deaths (EPCMD) priority countries. An EPHS can be defined as the package of services that the government is providing or is aspiring to provide to its citizens in an equitable […]

Essential Health Services: Bangladesh

The government of Bangladesh first defined an “Essential Service Package” in 1998, then updated it in 2003 and renamed it the “Essential Service Delivery” Package. This package is defined at a high level, and includes: child health care, safe motherhood, family planning, menstrual regulation, post-abortion care

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