Archive by Author

Strengthening Health Financing Capacity in Haiti

Resource Type: Presentation Authors: Health Finance & Governance Project Published: August 2018 Resource Description: The earthquake of 2010, and cholera epidemic soon after, strained Haiti’s already fragile health system. These crises sharpened the need for improved management and financing for health. Haiti’s Ministry of Public Health and Population (Ministère de la Santé Publique et de […]

Strengthening Human Resources for Health (HRH) in Haiti

Resource Type: Presentation Authors: Health Finance & Governance Project Published: August 2018 Resource Description: The earthquake of 2010, and cholera epidemic soon after, strained Haiti’s already fragile health system. These crises sharpened the need for improved management and financing for health. Haiti’s Ministry of Public Health and Population (Ministère de la Santé Publique et de […]

Ethiopia’s Health Financing Outlook: What Six Rounds of Health Accounts Tell Us

Resource Type: Technical Brief Authors: Ethiopia Health Sector Financing Reform/Health Finance and Governance Project Published: June 2018 Resource Description: Ethiopia has made important strides toward improving the health status of its population as well as in advancing health sector strategies and health care financing (HCF) reforms. The 20-year national Health Sector Development Program (HSDP), implemented in four five-year […]

Community-Based Health Insurance: Achievements and Recommendations for Sustaining Gains in Ethiopia

Resource Type: Technical Brief Authors: Ethiopia Health Sector Financing Reform/Health Finance and Governance Project Published: June 2018 Resource Description: The Ethiopian government, through the Federal Ministry of Health (FMOH), has been pursuing health care financing (HCF) strategies to increase the amount of domestic resources mobilized to the health sector, and to increase utilization of health services while […]

Outsourcing Non-clinical Services in Public Hospitals: Achievements and Lessons from Ethiopia

Resource Type: Technical Brief Authors: Ethiopia Health Sector Financing Reform/Health Finance and Governance Project Published: June 2018 Resource Description: This brief highlights major achievements, challenges, and lessons learned in implementing outsourcing. The analysis contained is based primarily on qualitative information collected through supportive supervision visits, performance review meetings, and a review of Health Care Finance Reform/Health Finance […]

How Revenue Retention and Utilization Reform is Important in Mobilizing Revenue and Improving Service Quality at Health Facilities in Ethiopia

Resource Type: Technical Brief Authors: Ethiopia Health Sector Financing Reform/Health Finance and Governance Project Published: June 2018 Resource Description: Prior to the endorsement of Ethiopia’s Health Care Financing Strategy, underfinancing of the health sector was a major contributor to the deterioration of the quality and efficiency of health service delivery. There was little government spending on infrastructure […]

Ethiopia Health Sector Financing Reform/HFG: End-of-Project Report

Resource Type: Report Authors: Ethiopia Health Sector Financing Reform/Health Finance and Governance Project Published: June 2018 Resource Description: This end-of-project report summarizes HSFR/HFG performance and results achieved with the collaboration of the Government of Ethiopia and local counterparts from project start in August 2013 through March 2018 (or most recently available data). The next section provides context about […]

HSFR/HFG End of Project Regional Report – Oromia

Resource Type: Report Authors: Ethiopia Health Sector Financing Reform/Health Finance and Governance Project Published: June 2018 Resource Description: Oromia is the largest of Ethiopia’s nine regional states, accounting for about 30 percent of the country’s total land mass. The Ethiopian Central Statistics Agency estimates its population at 36.8 million, about 85 percent of whom reside in rural […]

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