Archive by Author

Assessment of the Routine Health Management Information System in Niger State, Federal Republic of Nigeria

Resource Type: Report Authors: Olusesan A. Makinde, Charles Umar, Oluwaseun Adeleke, Elizabeth M. Ohadi, Awa D. Dieng, and John S. Osika Published: 10/1/2011 Resource Description: The goal of this assessment was to evaluate the Routine Health Information System (RHIS) in Niger state. Objectives were to identify the strengths, weaknesses, threats, and opportunities of the Health Management Information System […]

Relatório da Revisão do Sector de Saúde (Mozambique Health Systems Assessment in Portuguese)

Resource Type: Report Authors: República de Moçambique Ministério da Saúde Published: 9/1/2012 Resource Description: O relatório de Revisão do Sector de Saúde (RSS) de Moçambique enquadra-se numa série de iniciativas em curso que visam contribuir para a elaboração do novo Plano Estratégico do Sector Saúde (PESS). O relatório tem três objectivos específicos: (1) Avaliar a implementação e o conteúdo do […]

A Rough Guide to Community Engagement in Performance-Based Incentive Programs: With Lessons from Burundi, Indonesia, and Mexico

Resource Type: Report Authors: Lindsay Morgan Published: 8/1/2012 Resource Description: This guide aims to help policymakers and program managers assess whether engaging communities makes sense in the context of the performance-based incentive (PBI) programs they support; determine what is the best approach or mechanism for such engagement; and how to mitigate the risks. PBI, as with bottom-up social […]

Can Incentives Strengthen Access to Quality Family Planning Services? Lessons from Burundi, Kenya, and Liberia

Resource Type: Report Authors: Lindsay Morgan Published: 8/1/2012 Resource Description: Can performance-based incentive (PBI) programs—programs that reward the delivery of outputs and outcomes with financial incentives—stimulate quality family planning (FP) service provision and enable women to access FP services? Or is incentivizing FP too riddled with risk, too liable to encourage providers to coerce patients or to cause […]

Options Guide: Performance-Based Incentives to Strengthen Public Health Supply Chains – Version 1

Resource Type: Report Authors: Rena Eichler, Alex Ergo, Brian Serumaga, James Rosen, Greg Miles, and Mavere Tukai Published: 8/1/2012 Resource Description: Performance-based incentives (PBIs) aim to motivate all the people and teams who together comprise a public supply chain to work hard and perform their function well. PBI is an innovative approach that explicitly links financial investment to […]

Verification in Performance-Based Incentive Schemes

Resource Type: Report Authors: Alex Ergo and Ligia Paina Published: 8/1/2012 Resource Description: Verification in Performance-based Incentive (PBI) schemes aims to ensure that reported data accurately reflects actual performance, both by detecting and correcting misreporting, and by identifying and deterring fraud. In doing so, PBI verification guarantees the credibility of the scheme so that the different stakeholders trust […]

New Perspectives in Health Systems Strengthening Executive Summary

Resource Type: Brief Authors: Health Systems 20/20 Published: 7/1/2012 Resource Description: Health Systems 20/20’s four intermediate results address the financing, governance, operational, and capacity constraints that block access to and use of priority health services. Over the course of the project, eight strategies were developed to address many of these constraints, which undermine the equity, efficiency, quality, and effectiveness of […]

Health Systems Strengthening-PRO Virtual Learning Course Brief

Resource Type: Brief Authors: Health Systems 20/20 Published: 7/1/2012 Resource Description: Health Systems Strengthening-PRO is a virtual learning course for professional development. The HSS-PRO series is designed for public health professionals, policymakers, program implementers, and others with a shared interest in working to ensure that all people have access to high quality, equitable, and affordable health services.

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