Archive by Author

Up Next: Global Health Mini-U

Next Monday will see the 14th iteration of USAID’s Global Health Mini-University. Check out the feed below to find out more and see what the community is saying. Find out more about HFG’s sessions and follow us on twitter (@HFGProject) for live updates from our sessions on health systems strengthening. Follow @GHMiniU for official event updates and information, […]

In Mozambique, Using Incentives to Strengthen Health Supply Chains

To work well, health supply chains require timeliness, accuracy, and reliability at all stages. Even one break in the supply chain—an hours’ delay in delivery—”can have repercussions throughout the system, ultimately determining if families can access life-saving medicines and commodities.” Thus it is crucial that all actors—from procurement specialists to storekeepers and service providers—do their […]

Showcasing HFG’s Work at Global Health Mini-U

On March 2, HFG presented three sessions at the 14th iteration of the Global Health Mini-University in Washington, DC. The one-day learning forum for global health professionals and students hosts a variety of sessions spanning the spectrum of global health topics. HFG’s sessions highlighted Community-Based Health Insurance (CBHI) case studies; health governance to enhance the impact of health financing, […]

Expanding Community-Based Health Insurance to Reduce Financial Barriers

Many countries are committed to ensuring access to essential, quality health services for their citizens. Extending health insurance has been promoted as a means to remove financial barriers and improve access to health services for poorer citizens, as well as providing financial risk protection. In Africa, several countries have been particularly active in health insurance […]

Ethiopia’s Community-based Health Insurance: A Step on the Road to Universal Health Coverage

In the last 10 years, Africa has witnessed a renewed interest in Community-based Health Insurance (CBHI) schemes as countries leverage communities to expand risk-pooling coverage to informal sectors and the rural population. CBHI schemes, also known as mutual health organizations, are not-for-profit mechanisms of health financing grounded in principles of solidarity and risk sharing.

Understanding Health Accounts: A Primer for Policymakers

Resource Type: Brief Authors: Heather Cogswell and Tesfaye Dereje Published: 1/31/2015 Resource Description: As a country’s economy and population grows, so will its spending on health. Policymakers can affect public and private health spending to improve efficiency, quality, equity, and ultimately save lives. To succeed, however, governments should have the evidence around the health financing landscape. Health Accounts […]

Applying Lessons Learned to PEPFAR Transitions in the Caribbean

Resource Type: Report Authors:  Abigail Vogus and Kylie Graff Published: 12/15/2015 Resource Description: Given the new guidance in PEPFAR’s FY2014 Sustainability Planning Guidance Document, USAID/Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean requested the assistance of HFG and the Strengthening Health Outcomes through the Private Sector (SHOPS) Project in conducting a literature review to frame “the transition of PEPFAR programming […]

The Role of Health Insurance in Family Planning

A new policy brief written by HFG and the Population Reference Bureau (PRB) finds that “Well-designed insurance programs offer a way to improve the quality and equitable provision of family planning services.” The Role of Health Insurance in Family Planning explores how insurance programs “can be designed to increase demand for and uptake of family […]

Domestic Innovative Financing for Health: Learning From Country Experience

Advances in health care are extending and improving the quality of life for people around the world, but such advances come with a price tag. While all nations face budgetary constraints for health funding, low- and middle-income countries have the fewest resources for their health sectors. And as many of these nations begin transitioning away […]

Haiti Takes Steps to Rebuild Its Nursing Workforce

Five years after a massive earthquake severely damaged the health system, Haiti’s Ministry of Public Health and Population is taking important steps toward building a strong nursing workforce. At a recent ceremony, the Health Minister and acting Prime Minister Dr. Florence Duperval Guillaume and other government officials met with the headmasters and owners of nearly […]

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