Archive by Author

Launching the Results of Namibia’s Fourth Round of Health Accounts

On July 15, 2015, Namibia’s Ministry of Health and Social Services (MOHSS) launched the results of its fourth round of Health Accounts to an audience of over 100 local stakeholders and local news outlets in Windhoek, Namibia. The Health Finance and Governance Project (HFG) and its predecessor, Health Systems 20/20, has supported the past 3 rounds of […]

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Championing Sustainability, Namibia Funds Health Accounts

In Namibia, donor funding for health dropped by 47 percent between 2009 and 2013. This sharp decline could have broad implications for the health sector—particularly Namibia’s HIV and AIDS response which relies heavily on donor resources. In light of declining donor resources for health, the Government of Namibia (GRN) is positioning itself to sustain health sector […]

A Nepali mother with two young boys and their grandfather.

Essential Health Services Country Snapshot Series

A new series of country profiles analyzes the governance dimensions of Essential Packages of Health Services (EPHS) in the 24 Ending Preventable Child and Maternal Deaths (EPCMD) priority countries. An EPHS can be defined as the package of services that the government is providing or is aspiring to provide to its citizens in an equitable […]

Essential Health Services: Bangladesh

The government of Bangladesh first defined an “Essential Service Package” in 1998, then updated it in 2003 and renamed it the “Essential Service Delivery” Package. This package is defined at a high level, and includes: child health care, safe motherhood, family planning, menstrual regulation, post-abortion care

Essential Health Services: The Democratic Republic of The Congo

The government of the Democratic Republic of the Congo began reforming and decentralizing the health sector with its National Health System Strengthening Strategy in 2006. The latest National Health Development Plan 2011–2015 continues to implement the strategy laid out in this document.

Essential Health Services: Ethiopia

The government of Ethiopia published its “Essential Health Services Package for Ethiopia” in 2005 (Federal Ministry of Health 2005). This package was published with the intention to have public sector facilities provide a minimum standard of care that fosters an integrated service delivery approach

Essential Health Services: Haiti

There are several defined and semi-defined “packages” of health services floating around Haiti, and the literature is rife with contradictions and uncertainty. Our analysis reveals that Haiti has an EPHS, but the following context is important to understand: The Ministry of Health and Population

Essential Health Services: India

The series of documents that best fits the definition of the EPHS in India is the Indian Public Health Standards (2012) series, plus Annexure II of the Guidelines for Community Processes (2013), which lists the services provided by community health workers referred to as accredited social health activists (ASHAs).

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