HFG Final Report
Categories: Publications
The Health Finance and Governance (HFG) project worked to address some of the greatest challenges facing health systems today. Countries need strong health systems that are well managed and sustainably financed if they are to increase and maintain the use of life-saving health services, especially by women and children, and by poor and/or rural populations.
USAID’s Bureau for Global Health launched the HFG project in September 2012 to support countries in their quest for stronger health systems that deliver the services their citizens need, when and where they can access them, and at affordable prices. HFG’s strategy was to deliver country-responsive technical assistance and interventions that reduce system bottlenecks in order to increase the use of priority health services, including for HIV/AIDS, maternal and child health (MCH), tuberculosis (TB), reproductive health, and malaria. Collaborating with other USAID projects and donors to ensure harmonized and efficient progress, it partnered with local institutions to build their capacity and to sustain the impact of project interventions.
This report summarizes the results of more than 500 activities (or programs of work) implemented across all project programs: over 40 countries, four USAID regional bureaus, eight Washington DC-based health teams (directed core), and the cross-cutting program of USAID’s Bureau for Global Health, Office of Health Systems.