Malaria Economic Research Guide
Categories: Malaria and Other Vector-borne Disease, Publications
Resource Type: Guide
Authors: Health Finance and Governance Project
Published: September 2018
Resource Description:
In November 2015, the President’s Malaria Initiative (PMI) and the Health Finance and Governance Project (HFG) hosted a consultative session on the Economic Impact of Malaria Control at the 64th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (ASTMH) in Philadelphia. Attendees, including funders, researchers, and implementers, indicated that a mechanism to facilitate knowledge sharing and coordination on the economics of malaria among researchers and implementers would improve the targeting and efficiency of research efforts and the usability of results. HFG was tasked with organizing existing MER and facilitating a community of practice (CoP) aimed at improving communication and collaboration among a broad range of Malaria Economic Research (MER) users, including non-economists.
Early on, CoP members identified the need for a guide for malaria control planners and implementers to support and increase the usability of malaria program data. This guide is the result.
This guide aims to:
- Provide guidance in determining the appropriate type(s) of malaria economic study/analysis that would be useful depending on the specific research question
- Describe the types of data sources and tools available for MER
- Document experiences on how MER have been used for decision making