Essential Packages of Health Services: A Landscape Analysis of 24 EPCMD Countries

Resource Type: Presentation
Authors: Jenna Wright, Jeremy Kanthor
Published: 1/20/2016

Resource Description:
On Wednesday, January 20, USAID’s Office of Health Systems and HFG hosted a technical briefing session to explore essential packages of health services (EPHS) in the 24 USAID Ending Preventable Child and Maternal Deaths (EPCMD) priority countries. An EPHS is a public policy tool for governing the health sector; it comprises those health care services that the government is providing or is aspiring to provide to its citizens in an equitable manner.

The technical briefing centered around HFG’s recently completed analysis  of the 24 EPCMD countries’ EPHS and government strategies for guaranteeing those health services and included a discussion about how EPHS contributes to better governance of the health sector.



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