Translating Evidence to Policy: It has been done! Learning from the Chilean Health Benefits Plan Development Process
Categories: Health Insurance (CBHI, SHI), Presentations
Resource Type: Presentation
Authors: Sharon Nakhimovsky, Lauren Peterson, Jeanna Holtz, Heather Cogswell
Published: 7/22/2015
Resource Description:
Health Systems’ Global (HSG)’s Translating Evidence into Action Working Group hosted this webinar exploring Chile’s use of evidence in the design of their Universal Access with Explicit Guarantees (AUGE) health benefit plan (HBP) and reflecting on factors that can facilitate and hinder the process of evidence-based design.
The focus of the webinar was the use of evidence to inform policy. During the webinar, the presenters considered trade-offs and criteria through which evidence is filtered into the design process, and reflected on the factors, stakeholders, and implementation processes that influence when and how evidence is used in the development of an HBP.
Presentation Slides Webinar Landing Page